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Falling monsters / parental advisory
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:15 pm
by delastone
Hi Everyone,
Before asking my question I would like to thanks Almost Human Ltd. for this game

I was waiting for it since the first dungeon master, back in 1987
Question now :
In a video I can see one of the monster falling down through an trap (at 05:50 on ... BYsyjTgDwg#!)
In dungeon master when you or a monster felt in such a trap hole you where to fall into the level below and even sometime it will simply kill you because you felt like 2 or 3 level below. It was sometime the only way to get to some secret place (in dungeon master Chaos Strikes Back at least)
But the good thing is that if you trap a monster like this, you will meet him again at the level below at the exact same spot he land in.
Is it the same in LoG ?
Thanks to clarify this
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:19 pm
by Sol_HSA
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:29 pm
by delastone
Thanks Sol_HSA

This is indeed great news to me.
Maybe you have the time for an another quick question

My son, he is 8 years old, swa the video with me and he really want to play the game. he like fantasy and scify genre. We have been playing portal 2 in coop for a while now. And you can't imagine how hard he would like to play some RPG games.
Will the game be pre-teen friendly ? I love the fact the mob in the video dies in a lot of sparkle of fire. Will the game be blood free all along ? Or will there be any such filter option ?
I was a little bit older when I play dungeon master . As far as I can see the game is suitable for kids, beside the story but after all starwars get more violent than this

Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:46 pm
by Sol_HSA
It's always up to the parent to know, but I wouldn't recommend it. Play by yourself first and make your conclusions.
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:07 pm
by petri
The game can be quite scary. I wouldn't recommend it.
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:37 pm
by nianu
i figured this kind of thing would happen. so i have no intention on letting monsters fall through traps O_O i don't know if there's already 5 monsters down there just partying it up
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:14 pm
by Jack Dandy
Only blood I've seen is when you smack monsters around.
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:43 pm
by juho
delastone wrote:
My son, he is 8 years old, swa the video with me and he really want to play the game. he like fantasy and scify genre. We have been playing portal 2 in coop for a while now. And you can't imagine how hard he would like to play some RPG games.
Will the game be pre-teen friendly ? I love the fact the mob in the video dies in a lot of sparkle of fire. Will the game be blood free all along ? Or will there be any such filter option ?
I was a little bit older when I play dungeon master . As far as I can see the game is suitable for kids, beside the story but after all starwars get more violent than this

Blood is mostly pretty mild compared to other games out there. If you watch the videos of the game where something like snail or spider gets hit they emit greenish particles, red blooded creatures have same type effect but only in red. It's not super realistic, but may not be suitable for young kids. I'd say the game is around PEGI 12 / ESRB Teen. These are just estimates because the game isn't officially rated.
I'd say that the game may be a bit too scary. I've had some good scares when monsters jump behind the corner (remember that I know the dungeons and have designed and created the creatures and still get scared

). Other thing is that some of the puzzles are pretty hard. Not to under estimate cleverness of little boys, the game may be a little too demanding on some parts. Maybe you should play a bit yourself and then you could decide if it's suitable to your children, because you know him the best and what can be shown to him.
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:19 pm
by Hissssa
I'd say it would depend on the child in question. If you weren't sure you could always let them play for an hour and supervise them (and people say computers aren't good for family interaction). One of my friends on XBOX live has an 8 year old who blows away 90% of the teen age folk I run into in terms of maturity.
I'm not the average person but I was playing dungeon master when I was 8 or so and had a wonderful time. Considering the other video games out there I would be more inclined to let my child play this game over say something like Halo.
As for falling monsters... I plan on killing them myself so I don't miss out on any XP! Besides as someone said if they fall you can't get back your arrows/etc and you don't get their drops until later. I am wondering when we'll come by a rope (which was incredibly useful in DM).
Re: Falling monsters
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:56 am
by luthur1964
Personally, video games, television, movies, etc. are great entertainment for me. Even at their most thrilling moments, I am startled and then I laugh at myself because of the fun of it.
Now, real life (since I have a sence a awareness), is a whole different matter. I can't tell you how many nightmares I've had about real life -- especially work nightmares, they're the worst. That's why I retired (yes, I'm OLD -- 48, and I like video games -- watch out or I will hit you with my cane and tell you to "get off my lawn.").
My advise: let your child play the game. Supervise as needed. And I can't emphasize this enough -- talk to them about it. Gaming can be a great bonding experience between a parent and child. The absence of this only gives the modern media and name-making politicians (umm, Lieberman & co.) ammo to condemn our hobby.
I know that the parents and viewers of his thread DO get this, otherwise the above statements would not carry their concern. I just felt it should be stated here, since I've seen so many attacks during the evolution of our favorite pass-time.
US political mantra: " Your money and scapegoats needed"
(stepping off soapbox, please continue)