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Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:20 am
by ZimbuTheMonkey
Hey folks,

I like the idea of Old School mode, but I would personally prefer the ability to draw the map on an in-game grid. If you've ever played Etrian Odyssey, you'll know that a feature like this can be very intuitively implemented:

I think having an option to do this in a future update would be awesome. For me, looking away from the screen and focusing on my ugly desk to draw on the map would definitely take away from the immersion. Imagine if you pressed the map key and it brought up the in-game map with drawing tools, it fits within the conceit of the game as prisoners trapped in this scenario would want to do the same thing.

What do you guys think?

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:32 am
by Crashbanito
It'd be a great use for my wacom. ;)

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:14 am
by Disasterrific
Lol, I might just start up a new game of etrian odyssey and use the mapping tool in that =D

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:58 am
by Jack Dandy
I love that idea, and would be glad if the devs find some time to implement it someday.

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:50 am
by Boeboe
It works great in Etrian Odyssey because you got a second screen right below the main screen, that you can actually draw on using a stylus.
Having to draw an ingame map on the pc using your mouse would feel very awkward I think.

(though...maybe I should try making a grid-based PC mapper :))

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:03 pm
by krayzkrok
Boeboe wrote:Having to draw an ingame map on the pc using your mouse would feel very awkward I think.
Well, they did mention a future iPad version...

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:42 pm
by dna
I register on this forum to make the same suggestion, with one more option : the possibility of printing the maps.

Boeboe remark is a pertinent, but i can see a lot of way to overcome it (the android app for example).

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:23 pm
by ZimbuTheMonkey
Boeboe wrote:It works great in Etrian Odyssey because you got a second screen right below the main screen, that you can actually draw on using a stylus.
Having to draw an ingame map on the pc using your mouse would feel very awkward I think.

(though...maybe I should try making a grid-based PC mapper :))
I'm not saying we draw the map free-hand. We get a grid that we can assign walls to and make notes, that's very simple and easy to manipulate via mouse.

Watch the YouTube video I linked, it should do a better job explaining than I can.

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:54 pm
by Boeboe
ZimbuTheMonkey wrote:
Boeboe wrote:It works great in Etrian Odyssey because you got a second screen right below the main screen, that you can actually draw on using a stylus.
Having to draw an ingame map on the pc using your mouse would feel very awkward I think.

(though...maybe I should try making a grid-based PC mapper :))
I'm not saying we draw the map free-hand. We get a grid that we can assign walls to and make notes, that's very simple and easy to manipulate via mouse.

Watch the YouTube video I linked, it should do a better job explaining than I can.
I know, but on pc, you'd have to switch windows (even on dualscreen that still means you need to click stuff to activate), which breaks your gameflow.

Re: Suggestion: Old School mode with ingame map drawing tool

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:34 pm
by Kthanid
Boeboe wrote:I know, but on pc, you'd have to switch windows (even on dualscreen that still means you need to click stuff to activate), which breaks your gameflow.
Unless you do it on a laptop (or tablet) at your side. Still, I think hand drawing is more fun (personally), though I might cave for a laptop at my side to save time, haven't decided yet.

Also, if the game can run windowed (but in a "fullscreen" window) switching back and forth across dual monitors would be no big deal.