But i don't want to share my footsteps only in the Workshop so that no one else can edit them.
In this thread i want to share what i make and what "bugs" i am facing.
First i started Return to Chaos Editor and Exportet all level to bmp. I saw that the whole levelset is bigger then 32x32. If i use the stairs-down and stairs-up i can't draw all levels. If we could change the target of the stairs like we can change the target of Teleporters, this problem could be solved.
Then i opend the txt file from RTC and copied all the levels in a new file changing the 0 and 1 in "#" and ".". Then i opend the dungeons.lua and put in the level informations from the changed RTC file. After i made all levels to pass the 32x32 test, i could load them into the editor. If you try it without, you will get a failure of "invalid map desc length in map.lua". But it didn't say in which level.
You can get my dungons.lua from my dropbox https://dl.dropbox.com/u/87817169/Dunge ... ungeon.lua
At the Moment there are no doors and anything else in it. If you want me to paste the file here within the code tag, i will make t happen

If anyone wants to help me he can also write in German. My English is not good enough to tell all the things i want to explain