Dungeon Editor Released!
Dungeon Editor Released!
http://www.grimrock.net/2012/10/04/dung ... -released/
Legend of Grimrock + Dungeon Editor is also on sale - 50% off from the price if you buy directly from us!
Legend of Grimrock + Dungeon Editor is also on sale - 50% off from the price if you buy directly from us!
- Posts: 163
- Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:20 pm
Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
Tough t*tties if you didn't have Steam 

Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
"If you don’t have purchased Legend of Grimrock yet"
should be "If you haven't purchased Legend of Grimrock yet"
I also would cut out "from", so it's just "...with 50% off the price..."
Otherwise I thought everything read fine, good release
"If you don’t have purchased Legend of Grimrock yet"
should be "If you haven't purchased Legend of Grimrock yet"
I also would cut out "from", so it's just "...with 50% off the price..."
Otherwise I thought everything read fine, good release

Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
Congratulations on your stellar work for the community. Hopefully you'll think the added exposure Legends of Grimrock has gained from your hard work on getting modding out in to the community has paid off for you. I know I've seen plenty of announcements about the editor being released of various major news publications 

Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
Fixed. Thanks, Komag!
Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
one last minor typo:
"150 mods that can be subscribe to in" should be "subscribed to"
plus, I really love the way that hand drawn map blends into the editor graphics, cool!
"150 mods that can be subscribe to in" should be "subscribed to"
plus, I really love the way that hand drawn map blends into the editor graphics, cool!

Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
Ah, fixed. Thanks again!
Re: Dungeon Editor Released!
Guys, if you want to help us, please spread the word about the editor and the discount