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Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:00 am
by n0mad
There was discussi0n early 0n re cust0m character p0rtraits
Can y0u upl0ad y0ur 0wn ?
If s0 we w0uld like to kn0w
1) - image type/pixel size/max file size we can use ?
2) - list 0f playable character races ?

This will all0w sum 0f us t0 have 0ur 0wn cust0m p0rtraits ready bef0re the game release

And yes I will be using a mix 0f e0b and my 0wn creati0ns


Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:08 am
by Kurpitsa
What's up with the zeros?

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:13 am
by Mameluk
Is the O key not working on your keyboard or something? It's pretty painful to read. :/

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:29 am
by n0mad
Kurpitsa wrote:What's up with the zeros?
Mameluk wrote:Is the O key not working on your keyboard or something? It's pretty painful to read. :/
n0thing 2 C here m0ve al0ng...........


Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:34 am
by Alaric
Let me try to speak his language:

G00d day!

C0uld y0u please n0t use zer0es instead 0f the letter "o". The af0rementi0ned letter is easy to sp0t. It is t0 the left 0f "p", and just bel0w y0ur bel0ved zer0.

Cheers, mate.

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:08 am
by Mameluk
Why d0n7 w3 4ll ju5t sp34k lik3 this fr0m n0w 0n? I m34n, i75 f4irly 34sy to r34d 0nc3 y0u g3t us3d t0 it.

Okay, enough. Leetspeak is so last decade. :D

I'm going to ignore this thread until one of the devs gives us a serious answer. Remember, bumpity bump on monday if you want that to happen. ;)

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:35 am
by Jack Dandy
Let him type as he wishes, he ain't hurting nobody. Gives me some internet nostalgia for when 1337speak was more popular, anyway. :)

In any case, yeah! That custom portrait feature would be a very neat thing to have.

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:06 am
by Dlanor
Jack Dandy wrote:Let him type as he wishes, he ain't hurting nobody. Gives me some internet nostalgia for when 1337speak was more popular, anyway. :)

In any case, yeah! That custom portrait feature would be a very neat thing to have.
You must admit, though, the way he types is certainly STRANGE.

I would also like to know about custom character PORTRAITS. Specifically, if they are available, what file types are SUPPORTED?

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:25 am
by Jack Dandy
As I said, let it be strange! This is the internet, we can't all be one and the same.

Re: Cust0m Character P0rtraits

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:35 am
by Dlanor
Still, I'd like to know the reason for the strange style of writing, if only to satisfy my own CURIOSITY.