A lot to be learned
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:35 pm
Having purchased numerous games the past few years (none as anticipated as Legend of Grimrock however
) I think other developers could learn a lot from Almost Human. I can't believe how active and helpful the Devs are on this forum, us as customers really appreciate this, I purchased Civilization V some time ago, a good game but it had its issues which were echoed all over the forums, nothing but silence from the Devs for months on end, not good. Not only have Almost Human developed a game that a lot of us have waited over 20 years for but they have done it with great style, really showing that they care about what they have lovingly created and their customers. Hats off to you Almost Human LTD, you deserve to do extremely well from Legend of Grimrock, I hope it excedes all of your expectations, and look forward to all of your future work.