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Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:22 pm
by sirK2005
Hi folks,
another problem I#ve stumpled upon.
I want an iterator for all Items on a given level. So I thought I could simply use the allEntities() function and test for Items in there. I did something like:
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(2) do
if i.class == "Item" then
Sadly I had to realize that the class attribute is nil for each element (I guess it's simply not visible for the editor, for reasons unknown to me). I realy dont want to test the name of each element if it's a valid item name because that would be way unnecessary. There has to be a better way.
Has anyone an idea, or even already a solution for that?
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:29 pm
by BeNNyBiLL
The iterator will return you indicies of the entities so I imagine you would need to do something along these lines;
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(2) do
ent = findEntity(i)
if ent.class == "Item" then
ent :destroy()
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:47 pm
by sirK2005
Well, I may be wrong but testing around with i within the loop makes me pretty sure that i is the actual entitiy, since
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(2) do
will write down the id of each element on level2 and then destroy everything leaving behind an empty level, despite the walls. I tried your code, but I get the message
'findEntity' (string expected, got table))
So I would need to do something like
the get the entity, but I don't realy see the point since i obviously represents the entity.
Still the class attribute is always nill (I've tested i.class and ent = findEntity(, ent.class). Doesnt matter if i is an alcove or a door or an Item. I am pretty sure that the editor simply is not allowed to read out the class attribute. I will check out if I can define an object that does the job within a hook.
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:27 pm
by BeNNyBiLL
Sorry your right, I just made a stab in the dark at answering that one

. I can only get the following attributes from an entity
“name” returns the name of the entity
“id” returns the unique identifier of the entity
“x” returns the x-coordinate of the entity on the map
“y” returns the y-coordinate of the entity on the map
“facing” returns the facing of the entity (0=north, 1=east, 2=south, 3=west)
“level” returns the dungeon level index of the entity I don't know how to access the specific attributes of objectdefines in such a way. My best guess is at the moment you can't, but by no means quote me on that, I've been wrong once already!
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:38 pm
by Kuningas
Wait, using a .class = "Item" worked on some script for me! I don't remember what it was (and frankly, I don't have the code anymore), but are you sure it doesn't work? I must admit that I may be mistaken -- since to me, your code looks fine....
EDIT: Found it, perchance, it was this:
Code: Select all
function itemrecover(item)
for i in entitiesAt(1, 20, 6) do
if i.class == Item then
print("this works so far")
And it worked just fine. Of course, I didn't directly approach the item -- I suppose putting "item:destroy()" in there wouldn't work?
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:25 pm
by sirK2005
Ah ok, I just compared my code with yours and the differnce is the following:
I check:
and you check
I thought the class attribute is of type string and thus contains a string to compare but I was obviously wrong. Item appears to be a sort of object. Well in any case it seems to work this way.
EDIT: Had my hopes to high. Doing:
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(2) do
if i.class == Item then
Prints almost every element on level 2 including pressure plates, mosnters and of course items. So the if part seems to be true for a lot of elements, not only Items, though that is very strange. I get the same when exhcanging "Item" with "Party":
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(2) do
if i.class == Party then
Man, I don't get it...

Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:51 pm
by JKos
All properties except these:
“name” returns the name of the entity
“id” returns the unique identifier of the entity
“x” returns the x-coordinate of the entity on the map
“y” returns the y-coordinate of the entity on the map
“facing” returns the facing of the entity (0=north, 1=east, 2=south, 3=west)
“level” returns the dungeon level index of the entity
are private and can't be accessed from code. I don't know why, but that's how it is.
If you want to check the type of entity, you have to do it by using name-property. You have to list all entities to table and check if entity names is in that table.
Code: Select all
local monstersList = {
function checkIfIsMonster(entity)
return monstersList[] ~= nil
I have posted a list of almost all entity names in lua table format to useful scripts thread.
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:55 pm
by Decayer
The reason
"works" is because neither 'i.class' nor 'Item' are defined values, so you're actually checking if nil is equal to nil, which is true.
Something like this might work for items, though:
Code: Select all
for i in allEntities(level) do
if i.setSubtileOffset ~= nil then
if type(i.setSubtileOffset) == "function" then
return true
return false
This works by checking if the object has a function named setSubtileOffset, something that only items have according to the scripting reference.
Re: Getting all Items out of allEntities(level)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:48 pm
by sirK2005
Ok, let's sum that up:
If you want to check the type of entity, you have to do it by using name-property. You have to list all entities to table and check if entity names is in that table.
Phew, I have feared for something like this. And already started to write code doing that. But here comes the good news.
I aswell have hoped to identify an item on another way, maybe by looking at something only items have. And it seems that Decayer has found it:
This works by checking if the object has a function named setSubtileOffset, something that only items have according to the scripting reference.
I have tested his code it appears to work.
Well, once again. Thanks everybody.
Oh, and to Almost Human: It would be nice to make at least the class-attribute visible for the editor. This way a script like this could be much easier to realize. I think it just makes sene that a modder would like to know if an entitiy is an item or a monster or something like that without looking at the actual name, don't you think?