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Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:34 pm
by dark
Is there any reason why this game has not done a pre load yet? I find it kind of odd that you guys haven’t allowed or opted for any kind of preloading. All I know is that the servers are going to get slammed with people trying to download the game. This is why Pre loading was created. I’m hoping that at midnight the game does go live, which most of the time west coast time means 9PM for me. Hopefully!!

Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:43 pm
by alazyburito
dark wrote:Is there any reason why this game has not done a pre load yet? I find it kind of odd that you guys haven’t allowed or opted for any kind of preloading. All I know is that the servers are going to get slammed with people trying to download the game. This is why Pre loading was created. I’m hoping that at midnight the game does go live, which most of the time west coast time means 9PM for me. Hopefully!!
Oh man, Yes please! I have good internet and DL speed but for those who have it so that it takes a day or longer to download a 5 gig game, it will be really painful. I hope that the Devs see this and hopefully getting it out there.

Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:58 pm
by jfunk
The download for this game will be pretty small (less than 1GB from what I understand).

I've rarely seen Steam pre-loads for less than "AAA" games. I honestly wouldn't worry about server load.

I'm thrilled to see how much press Grimrock is getting, but I think people may be getting a little ahead of themselves if they think it's going to produce some kind of Call of Duty/Skyrim type bandwidth crunch.

Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:20 am
by antti
The Steam download for the game is a little under 700MB and there won't be a pre-load available. The standalone installer is a little smaller due to better compression.

Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:21 am
by alazyburito
antti wrote:The Steam download for the game is a little under 700MB and there won't be a pre-load available. The standalone installer is a little smaller due to better compression.
Thanks for the good news!

Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:33 am
by BigRob154
When the binaries are on Steam you can pre-load every game, based on Valve's Steam-Protocol: ... r_protocol

Just open your Browser ( if it doesn't work on FF / Chrome, try IE ) and enter following url:




Re: Steam Pre-load?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:04 pm
by dbgager
I can do a gig in about 25 minutes with my connection if I get full speed.