I live in Nunavut, Canada and am a longtime gamer with a mission to get as much gaming content into Inuktitut, the Inuit language. At the same time I have an interest in seeing "Northern" content developed. Add to all of that, I'm a massive fan of Legend of Grimrock. When the dungeon editor came out, I was super excited and have started work on my first Dungeon.
Sir John Franklin travelled the Northwest Passage in 1847 with two ships, the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror. They dissapeared and to this date no one has ever found the boats. It is the subject of much mystery in Canada and searches are often government funded and come up mostly empty.
My story will start in Nunavut, a group of hunters out on the land who suddenly get caught up in a snowstorm. They stumble for shelter and come across a cave, which once entered, locks behind them. They have entered the tomb of Sir John Franklin and the discovery is going to be terrifying (but entertaining for Legend of Grimlock players).
As the players explore the tomb they will discover that John Franklin's final resting place is home to his undead crew and a variety of Northern monsters and puzzles.
Playing Style
Like most dungeons, my empahsis is puzzles first with a balanced lay out of weapons/upgrades and increasingly difficult monsters. My puzzles will be "northern" themed with empahsis on the Franklin expedition and Inuktitut language (with no prior knowlege of either required). My "cinematics" will be hand drawn by an acclaimed Inuit artist (I am fortunate to live in an art heavy community and work in the arts myself), and I will use voice overs in Inuktitut, with English subtitle translation.
Current Status
I have the entire 3 levels of the Dungeon mapped out on paper and the first one nearly fully designed in the editor. (My emphasis is a quick, entertaining story and play experience as oppose to a long grind).
My scripting skill is slightly above par, my level design I'm happy with. I've been fortunate to have the incredible community here and have borrowed heavily from the scripts and models you've posted. I'm currently using the "ice/fog" designs, the "ice archer" and the "ice slime" that have all been posted here, to name a few. I've modified the Ice Lizard from the game and a few others to fit in with the "northern" theme. Naturally the skeleton warriors will be my undead Franklin crew.
Help Needed
In a perfect world I'm looking for help with the following:
- Northern Tileset. I'm picturing using the existing Dungeon tileset.. but replacing the green moss with white/blue ice/snow. Seems simple enough.. Except I suck at graphic design. Just making that tileset look "colder" is my hope.
-A Polar Bear. This is a big one.. but I will worship/slave for whoever can help me pull this off. I want to replace the Ogre with a polar bear. I love the actions of the Ogre, they fit perfectly with a bear. Even the sounds work. My hope is just to replace the entire animation set with a Polar Bear. I imagine it pacing a room, spotting the player, letting out a growl and charging. Instead of swinging his club, he swings his paws to attack. It excites me typing this.

I know that based on the model kit we have so far, this is maybe a longway off.. I'm using the Ogre as a placeholder right now and will simply work to "Ice-him-up" if I can't figure this one out.. But if someone is looking for a challenge and the eternal gratitude of a person from Nunavut.. Let's talk.
My emphasis is on a story-first dungeon with a distinctly "cold" feel. The rest I'm open to.
Anyway, I'll stop here. I'm glad to get this out.. as even just the knowledge of it being public will force me to work hard on it.

All the best,
Links for those interested:
Nunavut: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunavut
John Franklin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Franklin
Pinnguaq: http://www.pinnguaq.com/