About Mods in general/Finished mods

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by OmegaProxima »

I dont know if this is the correct place to post this but theres a thing troubling me about mods specifically in steam (I havent used the nexus and I wouldnt know).
People post unfinished mods or do not post the lenght of the mod they finished.
I dont know if Im alone on this but Im interested in playing a mod that has some decent playtime and ofc is finished.
This is not easily shown in steams workshop.
Some mods dont even have changelogs so you wouldnt know if theyre done or not.
I dont know what can be done since steam isnt something one can affect easily but there are 211 items in grimrocks workshop and I have no idea how to find what I need.

I would appreciate someone giving me some names of finished mods that have decent playtime or if we could keep a thread about finished mods and a few basic info on each. Like estimated playtime, no of levels, if they got extra content/textures/creatures apart from the original, etc
If there already is one please make it a sticky one like those slimes in LOG!
Last edited by OmegaProxima on Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mods in general

Post by msyblade »

Check this one out, 9 levels, ending and boss battle with story. Beatable in a few hours. All working and finished.Now just tracking down the last few bugs and need to make a pass through for visual refinement.(was initially focused on mechanics in lieu of aesthetic and i regret it now!)

Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.

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Re: Mods in general

Post by OmegaProxima »

msyblade wrote:Check this one out, 9 levels, ending and boss battle with story. Beatable in a few hours. All working and finished.Now just tracking down the last few bugs and need to make a pass through for visual refinement.(was initially focused on mechanics in lieu of aesthetic and i regret it now!)

Thanks will try it
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Re: Mods in general

Post by Wolfrug »

Check out my sig ;) *self promotion*

It's not finished, and has no ending, but then Mordor never had an ending. I've tested it and I'd say you've got about 6-8 hours of playtime in it before you've completed all 12 quests and explored all three dungeon levels. It's hack n' slash looting, so not your typical Grimrock fare, but people seem to like it. Also I'm currently designing a number of secret 'proper' puzzle dungeons for it to give it even more playtime, but it's perfectly playable as is!

/self promotion

Try my Mordor: Depths of Dejenol LoG-ification. Feedback much appreciated!
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Re: Mods in general

Post by Soaponarope »

I also don't like the fact that there are so many unfinished mods, but I know why that is. It's the way steam's rating system works. I think most people won't bother to look at recent mods but instead just look at what is top rated; and what is top rated is decided by how many people have played it already. If you are making a massive mod and don't finish posting it until there are 2000 mods on the site, it's likely to hardly be seen without some other form of advertising.

I do think a sticky post with a list of mods and information on this forum is a good idea.

I was planning a really large project but settled on a smaller one since I personally don't like posting unfinished work, but wanted my dungeon to actually been seen. My dungeon is still pretty good size though. It's six levels but they contain a lot, and it should take at least half the time it took you to complete the grimrock dungeon.

Try it out here-
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =102789617

topic- viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3738
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Re: Mods in general

Post by OmegaProxima »

Thank you all, @Wolfrug its not bad to promote your mod :)
@Soaponarope Maybe steam should have finished and unfinished mods seperately (edit) or maybe playable and unplayable
Last edited by OmegaProxima on Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mods in general

Post by Komag »

There is a LOT to be desired with the steam mod selection/information process. I would really like all the things you mentioned - play time, number of levels, finished or not (I would prefer finished mods ONLY on the site, or at least a filter to show only finished mods)
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: Mods in general

Post by Drachir »

Mine's finished http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... pid=207170

Not to say there may be some bugs not yet discovered.

Some feedback would be nice.... complimentary or not ;)
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Re: Mods in general

Post by OmegaProxima »

Drachir wrote:Mine's finished http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... pid=207170

Not to say there may be some bugs not yet discovered.

Some feedback would be nice.... complimentary or not ;)
Link needs fixing :)
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by pinnguaq »

I don't know if anyone has time for this (I know I don't), but I'd love to see quick 1 paragraph reviews on all the Mods. A consistent reviewer that has time to sit down for a day, play through the top 5-6 and let us know which are worth our time.

Having said that, the community is still young. I'd expect by Christmas we'll start to see the cream of the Mods rise to the top and finding the good stuff will become much easier.

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