targeted at modders and dungeon designers with the aim to provide
you with a large selection of non-story, non-puzzle related equipment
to spice up your dungeons. It is also planned to be cross-dungeon
compatible, providing enough content for beginner parties as well
as battle hardened veterans. This mod is still work in progress, a
realistic release date is by end of this year.
Right from the start, i tought grimrock needs additional
items and equipment, like found in many other RPGs or MMOs.
I think of it as a positive addition, as it spices up the game and adds
more variety to party building. Even if the difference between items
is only marginal, giving the players more choices is always welcome.
See a "proof of concept" movie here:

- No scripting required, all items are available in the editor.
- With a little scripting you can add scaling random loot drops.
- Balanced equipment with reasonable power ratings and abilities.
- Prefixed and categorized names makes searching in the editor easy.
- Technically tested and gameplay approved.
- Hundreds of new item icons, for your eyes pleasure.
- Hundreds of new weapons (ordinary, magical and legendary)
- Hundreds of new armor parts (ordinary, magical and legendary)
- Hundreds of new accessories (rings, necklaces etc.)
- Dozens of new items (potions, scrolls, tools etc.)
- Oct 26 - Added 12 new, non-magical swords
- Oct 26 - Added 12 new, non-magical maces
- Oct 27 - Added 12 new, non-magical axes
- Oct 27 - Added 8 new, non-magical daggers
- Oct 27 - Added 6 new, non-magical spears
- Oct 27 - Added 6 new, non-magical staves
- Oct 28 - Added 12 new, non-magical helmets
- Oct 29 - Added a spreadsheet to google drive featuring all items so far
- Oct 29 - Added 16 new, non-magical armor
- Oct 29 - Added 12 new, non-magical gloves
- Oct 30 - Added 12 new, non-magical greaves
- Oct 30 - Added 12 new, non-magical boots
- Oct 30 - Added 12 new, non-magical shields
- Oct 30 - Added 8 new, non-magical cloaks
- Oct 30 - Fixing the TextureAtlas problems and starting to add/edit all icons
- Nov 01 - Finally fixed the TextureAtlas problems
- Nov 01 - Added 14 new consumeable food items
- Nov 01 - Started importing 2d icons from freely available graphics library (temporary placeholders).
- Nov 01 - Added 12 new, common (magical) helmets
- Nov 02 - Added rarity categorization of items (foundation for random loot drops later on)
- Nov 03 - Added 17 new, magic scrolls containing spells (can be used once)
- Nov 04 - Added 8 new containers of various sizes
- Nov 04 - Little name change: removed the "imperial" - now its just called Fhizban's Armory
- Nov 04 - Implemented the first version of the loot table scripts
- Nov 05 - Added a % drop chance that scales with dungeon level
- Nov 05 - Added drop rate modifiers for dungeon levels and objects
- Nov 05 - Added random loot placement for alcoves, altars, breakable objects and special dungeon tiles
- Nov 05 - Added loot drop tiers that scale with dungeon level and party level
Some of the art (icons, music, sounds, textures, models) was
taken from old computer games. I don't own these graphics and will
never claim it as my own. This is just a fan project. Please do
not argue copyright, artwork quality or art style with me. Thanks.