Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

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Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by nichg »

I decided to try something out: put an enemy on a sealed pit one level up, and then open that pit with a script. I don't know if the result is useful for anyone, but it may be good to be aware of some things. First off, falling monsters don't animate as falling - they simply appear right on the square they're falling into. So if you have e.g. a dynamic pit sequence somewhere in your dungeon, make sure walking enemies can't accidentally wander out into it and fall into the level below where the player is wandering, since if nothing else it won't look very good.

The weird thing is, if the enemy drops onto the party, the party and enemy co-locate. Furthermore, the enemy basically has no clipping until they move - you can leave the square and step back in without any issues.
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Re: Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by Kuningas »

Kind of a bummer -- falling enemies would've been a great mechanic. But results noted, keep experimenting. Dungeon Science! ; D
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Re: Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by Batty »

Thanks for posting that cause I was wondering about it & going to do experiments, saved me the trouble.
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Re: Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by mummy »

I have a room doing that as well. I think I will remove it now. :)
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Re: Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by Komag »

It's fine for something "out of sight", if even just around the corner or something. Even a situation where the button you have to push is facing the other way, you could have it play a custom sound of the enemies falling and landing, and by the time the party turns around to look the enemies are standing there and start charging!
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Re: Silly experiment: dropping enemies into a level

Post by nichg »

Komag, now I'm tempted to try to make ogre pachinko where you have a charging ogre that you try to navigate to the goal by turning pits on and off. Except I guess its hard to provoke an ogre to charge by script rather than by the party actually being there. Probably would have to use a quick succession of teleports to bait the ogre during the right segment of its move.
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