[GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

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[GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Sorry for starting a second thread about the toolkit, but I figured that the topic of this thread was significantly different to the bug reports and release notifications of the main thread...

I just wanted to put out a call for any feature requests that people would like to see in Vesion 1 of the Model Toolkit. There are still a few bugs to iron out and small features on my list, but I just wanted to ask you guys using the GMT what you would like to see / what would make your life easier. My goal is to get the GMT to v1 and then slow down development on it to focus on a dungeon.

Please repost a feature if you've posted a feature on the main thread and it's not appeared yet so I don't lose it. I will update the first post with progress and features / requested.

Feature List
  • FBX Import / Export: Hopefully attainable.
  • Import OBJ Model to a single Node.
  • Better install / upgrade process.
  • Detect whether model has been saved upon selecting File-Open or when closing the program, ask if user wants to save.
  • Bake a Node Transform into a Mesh's Vertices.
  • Add Plugin Support.
  • [Added: GMT] Take a Screenshot with a Transparent BG.
  • [Added: GMT] Middle Click to Select Nodes.
  • [Added: GMT] Warning for Negative Scale factor.
  • [Added: GMT] Basic Help File / Readme.
  • [Added: GMT] Add / Remove model nodes.
  • [Added: GMT] Highlight selected node option.
  • [Added: GMT] Add display of XYZ axis arrows around origin.
  • [Added: GMT] After saving, set name of the file being worked on as the new saved-as name.
  • [Added: GMT] Automatically refresh the scene textures after doing a Material Find / Replace.
  • [Added: GMT] Rename Save to 'Save As' and consider adding a save option.
  • [Added: GMT] Ability to move/rotate background models.
  • [Added: GMT] Ability to click a button to add a 3x3 background room from the asset pack.
  • [Added: GMT] Ctrl/Shift Modifiers for Zoom/Pan.
  • [Added: GMT] Remember LastImport/LastExport/Open/Save paths differently.
  • [Added: GMT] Add status bar warning if asset pack is not set (with click to set message).
  • [Added: GMT] Provide a user editable DropDown/TextField of available materials on Material Find/Replace dialog.
Last edited by JohnWordsworth on Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:43 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Neikun »

I'mma update my toolkit and get back to you.
(within this post)
EDIT: I am to understand that you can now move animation nodes? Is it possible to have some sort of visual of this while editing it?
  • Ctrl+mouse scroll for fast zoom
    Shift+mouse scroll for slow zoom
    Different memory for save path/load path
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by cougardod »

Scaling. When I've imported some models, they've come in HUGE and I have to go back to 3ds Max and scale them down and hope I get them the right size.

If there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears! :lol:
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by LordYig »

Here is some features / tweaks ideas.

They have been mostly already reported in the main thread a while ago, I guess. So, this is a reminder :)
  1. Different path "options" or "last used path" for the "File Menu".

    At least one for the Import/Export menu, Like Neikun suggested.
    But I would prefer, if this is not to hard to add, I would suggest a different path for each of the option : Open, Save, Import and Export.
    So four different path in all.
  2. Adding a reference for the XYZ axis, that could eventually be enabled or disabled at will like the grid.

    With some of us having models orientation problems between the modelling program, the GMT and the dungeon editor, it could be handy to have this in the toolkit.
Keep this up.
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I've just added the Ctrl/Shift keys as modifiers for zoom / panning speed (will be in next release). @Cougardod, with the latest release ( you can now resize nodes on static meshes from within the GMT. You have to enter the number manually, but for just resizing or moving an object into place, it should work a treat.
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by takis76 »

Is it possible the nodes of static meshes will resided automatically?

And be able to change the mesh, the program support and model editor!

I don't have used the program yet, but I am waiting until complete finishes and I am planning to create a lots of new wallsets. :)
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Skuggasveinn »

I'll repost this again here.

In the Node Transformation dialog, can you add constrain proportions (a box you can click or unclick)
so if you input something into the scaling field it will populate the other 2 fields also
just the ones with X and ofcourse nothing at the last column.

This will speed up the size fine tuning of a model inside the tool

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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Komag »

I just tried this again today (after trying one of the first versions long ago)

it took me a long time to discover I needed to open the settings and set the directories so I could see textures! I was looking at white monsters and wishing for textures for a while.

1. So maybe upon starting the program you could have the settings window automatically pop up if the settings haven't been set yet.

2. Also, I am trying to mess around with the cube model, and turn some parts invisible (replacing node segments material with dream_fog_2), and I wish when I have a node selected it would highlight it somehow, maybe a bright color or outline or something

Program has come a long ways, looks great so far!

(maybe 3. A small "manual" help file from the help menu, some basic commands or simple instructions for a couple things, etc)
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by JohnWordsworth »

@Skuggasveinn: Have you tried out the latest version with the 'Translate', 'Scale' and 'Rotate' quick buttons on the Model Nodes tab? I think this will (a) replace the Node Transform Dialog and (b) hopefully resolve your feature suggestion :).

@Komag: Great to hear back from a user that's not been using it for ages - it's easy to forget the bits that aren't self-explanatory like setting the asset pack path in the settings form. I'll either add a 'first use' pop-up or a warning in the status bar that says "Asset Pack Not Found" and if you click on it, it'll just bring up the settings window as well. Good idea re: highlighting nodes and documentation too. Added to the list.

@Takis76: No plans to add mesh resizing automatically (I don't like apps that do things without asking), but perhaps we could have a button that 'scales to dungeon square' or 'scale to item size' which will scale something down to fit into a dungeon square and/or to a quater of a dungeon square (off the top of my head) so that it can be an item to pickup. Great to hear you're planning new wallsets :).
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Komag »

4. Detect whether model has been saved upon selecting File-Open or when closing the program, ask if user wants to save
5. After saving, set name of the file being worked on as the new saved-as name
6. "Save" and "Save-As" - Save would overwrite (maybe that's too dangerous though, we'd all have to always re-download original assets when we accidentally change them!), and Save-As would work as expected. (Maybe leave off "Save" for safety, but rename the current "Save" to "Save-As". I was scared to click Save before making a backup of the original the first time I did it, and was surprised to find it works like save-as)
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