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Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:10 am
by Crise
I am sorry, I just must;
Destructoid review wrote:Not how it works, but rather that it's not explained in the game at all. In order to figure out how to use the magic casting system, you'll have to open up the digital manual that comes with the game.
Oh dear me, reading the manual... the lost art for sure

I actually miss the times when PC games had legit manuals, not just a slip of paper with serial and all the legal crap, plus some useless adverts maybe.
Sure big publishers have digital manuals too... but that is still not the same. I haven't needed a manual for a "triple-A" game in ages. Tutorials are all well and good, but there is just something in a good manual (which is why I liked the boxed edition of Witcher 2, then again CDProjekt Red is one fairly exceptional company).
Kinda funny how unusual that quote makes actually reading the manual sound.
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:34 am
by dndmatthew
Crise wrote:I am sorry, I just must;
Destructoid review wrote:Not how it works, but rather that it's not explained in the game at all. In order to figure out how to use the magic casting system, you'll have to open up the digital manual that comes with the game.
Oh dear me, reading the manual... the lost art for sure

I actually miss the times when PC games had legit manuals, not just a slip of paper with serial and all the legal crap, plus some useless adverts maybe.
Sure big publishers have digital manuals too... but that is still not the same. I haven't needed a manual for a "triple-A" game in ages. Tutorials are all well and good, but there is just something in a good manual (which is why I liked the boxed edition of Witcher 2, then again CDProjekt Red is one fairly exceptional company).
Kinda funny how unusual that quote makes actually reading the manual sound.
yeah i read that twice myself, i hope that is not the reason the game only got a 9.5 instead of a perfect score. having to look something up in the game manual is nothing. at least a manual was provided. i play a lot of table top wargaming and roleplaying games so im pretty used to the idea of looking up rules while i play. these kids today, if it isnt spoon fed to them its not worth their time.

Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:36 am
by Dalton
I remember getting manuals for my RPGs, that were thick as young adult novels. When my parents kicked me off the computer and sent me to bed I'd secretly lay awake for hours reading these manuals full of gameplay tips and lore.
Unfortunately I'm not sure if I could recapture that childhood delight of reading game manuals any more...
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:43 am
by Zorglub
I've already read the manual (you get to download it already from GoG if you buy the game there) and it's kinda minimalist. You won't find the spells there.
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:44 am
by Arinvald
I still like reading manuals; not that I have seen one in many years though.

Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:03 am
by Rorrik
Zorglub wrote:I've already read the manual (you get to download it already from GoG if you buy the game there) and it's kinda minimalist. You won't find the spells there.
But the spell system is explained there (I read it twice since I can't play yet). The spells are something you need to learn as you go, whether by experimentation or scrolls, but the concepts are explained in the manual. I still remember my beat up DM2 manual that I brought with me everywhere as a kid, planning my next move in the game.
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:31 am
by jfunk
And remember when game manuals (and boxes) didn't only have instructions for operation, but neat little tidbits you could miss if you weren't careful?
For example, Space Quest I included coupons in the box. Not in the manual, but separate little printed coupons for stores you would come across in the game. No in-game clue was given referring to said coupons, but if you "use coupon"'ed in worked. Brilliant.
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:37 am
by Okari
jfunk wrote:And remember when game manuals (and boxes) didn't only have instructions for operation, but neat little tidbits you could miss if you weren't careful?
For example, Space Quest I included coupons in the box. Not in the manual, but separate little printed coupons for stores you would come across in the game. No in-game clue was given referring to said coupons, but if you "use coupon"'ed in worked. Brilliant.
I remember back on Nintendo when I was playing Startropics, there was a message from your uncle (i think* it was your uncle...) that was later refrenced in game as the only solution to a puzzle door you encountered..

this was before the internet so I had to spend 3 hours finding the note so I could get the puzzle code and keep playing.. it was awesome!
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:13 am
by antiKk
Here's the best parts of that review.
Personally, when I hear the term "dungeon crawler," I cringe a little. I think of games that are incredibly bland, repetitious, and uninspired.
and then...
If you're like me and this is your first foray into the world of first-person dungeon crawling, don't worry!
So.. which dungeon crawlers is he referring to?
Re: Something lost... was found.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:13 am
by czarship
Nice score, but Sterling and the rest of Destructoid often whine when a game doesn't hold your hand.