Xbox controller setup/support
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:36 am
First off, I'm very stoked about the game, already pre-ordered and raring to go.
**if the game already supports xbox controller controls, then the post is redundant- but searching 'xbox' had no results on the forum so I am assuming it doesn't**
I recently got my hands on a wired-Xbox360 controller, and have been playing various indie games (Binding of Isaac, Dungeons of Dredmor) with it. As Binding of Isaac suggested in the options menu, I downloaded JoyToKey to map my controller keys to keyboard inputs, which was painless (once you google up which button was which in the config menu).
The control scheme of W/A/S/D for direction and Q/E for turning seem to fit perfectly onto the analog stick/shoulder bumper buttons. However, it looks from the video trailer that the player will have to *click* on the character portraits in order to issue an attack? It would be perfect if the controller face-buttons can each be mapped to one of the characters, and then the experience would be complete.
If the game supports mapping any keyboard buttons to individual character attacks (arrow keys would make a lot of sense, or Numpad to preserve the 2x2 layout of the character boxes on screen), then its a trivial matter of mapping them with JoyToKey. I just have a nagging feeling that mouse-clicks is the only way to attack as of now. (Or maybe there are more intricacies that require more than a click?)
If I have to AutoHotKey the mouse-click myself, so be it, but I'm sure the community would love being able to play with a gamepad out-of-the-(digital)-box.
And hey, gotta think about it sooner or later when the game makes it to the xboxLive/PSN(whatever it's called now) scene, right?
Looking forward to the game!
First off, I'm very stoked about the game, already pre-ordered and raring to go.
**if the game already supports xbox controller controls, then the post is redundant- but searching 'xbox' had no results on the forum so I am assuming it doesn't**
I recently got my hands on a wired-Xbox360 controller, and have been playing various indie games (Binding of Isaac, Dungeons of Dredmor) with it. As Binding of Isaac suggested in the options menu, I downloaded JoyToKey to map my controller keys to keyboard inputs, which was painless (once you google up which button was which in the config menu).
The control scheme of W/A/S/D for direction and Q/E for turning seem to fit perfectly onto the analog stick/shoulder bumper buttons. However, it looks from the video trailer that the player will have to *click* on the character portraits in order to issue an attack? It would be perfect if the controller face-buttons can each be mapped to one of the characters, and then the experience would be complete.
If the game supports mapping any keyboard buttons to individual character attacks (arrow keys would make a lot of sense, or Numpad to preserve the 2x2 layout of the character boxes on screen), then its a trivial matter of mapping them with JoyToKey. I just have a nagging feeling that mouse-clicks is the only way to attack as of now. (Or maybe there are more intricacies that require more than a click?)
If I have to AutoHotKey the mouse-click myself, so be it, but I'm sure the community would love being able to play with a gamepad out-of-the-(digital)-box.
And hey, gotta think about it sooner or later when the game makes it to the xboxLive/PSN(whatever it's called now) scene, right?
Looking forward to the game!