little enhancements (from watching video)

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little enhancements (from watching video)

Post by gonnarule »


just some though watching at those video you can find on the web. Don't know if it would be patchable if it's worth it, but well, just had to say :) :
- would be nice if torch had more than 2 graphical states (on or off). When consuming, torch could appear like "new", "somewhat used", "used", "dead". Intensity of light provided by the torch could be different depending of its state too.
- A dead torch shouldn't come back to life if put back on a wall, should it ? :?
- on all videos, loose rock just pop at my face. Aren't they too much visible ? Would it be hard to customize their look depending on difficulty level ? :twisted:

Aside from that, I remember how fun it was to be able to shape your characters like you wanted, even if its archetype wasn't multipurpose. Best example for me was Daroou (chewbacca fighter in DM) with its 6pts of Mana at the beginning, and being able (after XXX "light" spell) to graduate in magic and become an usefull magician (healing potions, low/medium fireball, etc.), while still being THE fighter of the group. It was just a mather of time but every character with at least the mana for the lowest spell of the game could learn and become great. All about patience, customisation, and fun :)
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Re: little enhancements (from watching video)

Post by petri »

Torches have more than two states and burnt out torches don't lit up when placed on the wall.
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Re: little enhancements (from watching video)

Post by Bronypwny »

With torches:

1: I watched the "WTF is" of this game, and he pointed out that there ARE multiple levels of a torches "on" state (Literally, he just kinda went "AH, see that? the lighting has changed because my torch is going out"). I figure this will be in the game to some extent, as it was in the original Dungeon Master/Dungeon Master 2 (Of which, I'm highly comparing this game to)

2: Replacing a torch in it's sconce did turn a torch back on in Dungeon Master 2... I would like to see that taken out, but then again, I almost never used torches in the first place... There was a light spell for that.

And along with the other issue, try playing the game fairly fast... There will be times where you're not looking for it, and as such it'll be fairly hard to see (or not, who knows how perceptive you are, other then yourself). I would like more options, though, on what a "Hidden" rock looks like, like maybe a loose boulder that you could remove to reveal a button... That's something I hadn't seen in any of the videos to date, but was in Dungeon Master 2.

Anyway, there are multiple levels of torch-light, from what I saw, so don't worry about that :)
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Re: little enhancements (from watching video)

Post by Darklord »

gonnarule wrote: Aside from that, I remember how fun it was to be able to shape your characters like you wanted, even if its archetype wasn't multipurpose. Best example for me was Daroou (chewbacca fighter in DM) with its 6pts of Mana at the beginning, and being able (after XXX "light" spell) to graduate in magic and become an usefull magician (healing potions, low/medium fireball, etc.), while still being THE fighter of the group. It was just a mather of time but every character with at least the mana for the lowest spell of the game could learn and become great. All about patience, customisation, and fun :)
Classes are more strict in LoG, you stay what you choose at the beginning. I must admit I do personally like both DM's mix and match system and EOB's multiclassing. Maybe for the sequel! :)

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