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The wait is killing me!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:48 pm
by Bronypwny
GAH! I want to play this game so bad, I don't want to wait "approximately 7 hours..."

I've been stoking myself for this game since I realized how close it was to release (I.E. 2 days ago, but I had seen some footage on Youtube a WHILE ago, with those mushroom things... I think...) And was all like "Oh SNAP, I gotta pre-order that game now!)

I absolutely LOVED Dungeon Master 2 as a kid. I played for hours, and couldn't EVER beat the game. I recently got it again on DosBox, and played through the game, finally beating it. Then again to see how long the game ACTUALLY was (only about 8 hours or so), and wished there was a little more too it then that (I also was kicking myself on how easy the game actually was... Ah to be younger again). So when I saw the "WTF is:" of this game on youtube, I was all like "NYEGHEGHEGH When's this coming out?" And got real happy.

So I come back home from work today (3am Eastern time) and was all like "OK, it's the 11th, time to play game yay!" But one of the things I feared kinda happened. I knew the game wasn't going to just come right out at midnight here, I'm smarter then that... But a 9 hour wait time? What am I supposed to do for 9 hours? Sleep? Jeez...

So I've been watching people (by people, I mean a person) play "Amnesia: The Dark Decent." Which I think helps the mood of this game as well.

Anyway, should be a ton of fun, and maybe I will get some sleep... Wake up and play before work, instead of after.