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Kill with Door
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:35 pm
by Chesuncook
Hello all, I am new to the game, only have ten hours in or so. I remember when I used to play Dungeon Master that if you were really weak or needed just a little bit of extra help taking on an enemy, you could get them to chase you and stand just inside a door. By pulling the lever/chain that activates that door, you could drop the door or gate down on their heads while attacking them. This would cause a tremendous amount of damage, often killing weaker creatures instantly. I tried to lead some of the tree-like creatures over to a door on the first level of the dungeon, but it didn't seem to work.
Did you not include the ability to close a door or gate on top of a creature for technical reasons? Level design concerns? Just forget? Just curious, thanks! It used to be a really fun option. It wasn't cheating either, becasue to get it to work, you had to stand point blank in front of the creature so they wouldn't move out of the way of the door. You would be taking major hits while waiting for the door to do its job. It addded a sort of booby-trap feel to the game and was really cool. Any developers who could weigh in on this would be wonderful! Oh yeah, and if you
can do it, what am I doing wrong?

Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:25 pm
by steyrhahn
You can't drop a door on monsters in this game to kill them.
However, once a door is closed you can open it, hit the monster, and then quickly close the door. If you're fast enough, the monster won't hit you. Also, you can 'sleep' to heal up and then attack the monster again.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:55 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Killing with a door is not possible in LoG due to a design difference. In Dungeon Master a door took the room of an entire square so it could hit anything under it, including your party! In LoG doors are located at the edges of a square so they can't hit anything.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:28 pm
by Komag
But some people have been working on hacking it in just like DM, so it is possible to recreate the effect
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:59 am
by Hatti
yes, i remember that cheese tactic fondly. though i don't miss that, this game does lack some of dungeon mechanics that were available in dungeon master that made for more interesting level/puzzle designs. this game is a more primitive version of dungeon master with better graphics and lousier movement mechanics (i hated the bounce move in dungeon master 3 and i hate it here too).
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:32 am
by petri
DM didn't have Lua scripting, does it make it rubbish? Not all games need to have the same features...
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:35 pm
by Neikun
Ouch. Primitive is not a word I would ever think of to describe Legend of Grimrock.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:33 pm
by Soorg
I honestly don't remember doors smashing monsters in DM but do remember make them fall in pit and LoG has that too. I remember door smashing in Eschalon Book 1. LoG also offers some opportunities to use missiles traps to hurt monsters and I did exploit it few times. I don't remember this in DM. But ok I don't remember much details of DM.
LoG has also multiple tricks around grates and seen through them and more, I don't remember that in DM.
EDIT: About doors using a full square for doors, it's a lot better when you use manual map, it's a lot more easy. Visually the door just need be in middle of the square.
EDIT2: Door smashing in LoG would have require a lot of design rework, or only few special doors should allow it.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:29 pm
by Hatti
Neikun wrote:Ouch. Primitive is not a word I would ever think of to describe Legend of Grimrock.
i said more primitive than with respect to dungeon mechanics. there are some things that i don't miss however. i don't miss water/thirst. i don't miss injury (especially if you didn't pick a character that has a potion bottle from the start), i don't miss having to manually pick up all you missile/thrown weapons and most of all, i don't miss all your items dropping on the floor every time someone died.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:34 pm
by Chesuncook
Hatti wrote:there are some things that i don't miss however. ... i don't miss all your items dropping on the floor every time someone died.
Haha, I remember that. That was annoying having to pick everything up again! It was like your character's pockets and sacks just had the bottoms burn out and everything fell to the floor.
I see now why the doors don't work. I didn't realize in DM that a door took an entire square.
Does everyone remember the damage you used to take running in to walls? I'd be cruising down a hallway in a hurry, and misjudge how many squares it was, pressing the button one or more too many times, and you would hear that sound effect as your party slammed the wall and took damage. Nothing more frustrating that fighting and surviving an epic battle that left one character alive with 1 health point...on your way to go get everyone healed up you slam a wall and perish!