2020 update
Hey All,
Just a quick message - apologies for my absence and for not keeping this updated over my time away
(I have been assisting my dad over summer with renovations and research work while he underwent chemotherapy)
In the next 2 weeks I will post a number of console commands that will fix the aforementioned, offending bugs
(Eg, infinite purple crabs spawning, getting stuck without the right key in the Palace / Palace Dungeon etc )
I can not export an updated Labyrinth of Lies at the moment as my PC is chugging along (hasnt been revamped since grimrock 2 was released)... So a list of corrective console commands will have to do until I purchase a new upgraded PC further into the year
Hope you are all well
2019 Update
1. Yes Im definitely still around
If I am not replying to posts in threads then by all means PM me
Ive become quite forgetful and inconsistent with communications
of late so I really dont mind reminders at all

2. I will be releasing an updated version of "Labyrinth of Lies" in the next 4 - 6 weeks
I dont want to delve too deeply into changing the mod as Im currently focused on
(and quite overwhelmed tbh) with finishing the menu Gui work for Legacy of Lies
Feel free to share suggestions, opinions, criticisms and of course, any buggy crashes
I will be drawing upon this thread and and the LoG2 LegacyOfLies thread here:
to decide on changes to be made and creating a list of bugs to squish
Hey Everyone,
Finally version 3.6 is completed!
This will be the last version update as Grimrock 2 is upon us

A very special thanks to all the community and beta testers whom have contributed in any way to this project.
And a special mention to Minmay for all the brilliant rewriting and scripting work, Thank you!!!
I hope you all enjoy the mod

Labyrinth of Lies features:
Re-textured and entirely new monsters (with new drops, ranged attacks etc)
Each magic skill holds ~20 spells (spells must be learned by reading scrolls)
Many many rune wands to experiment with - each amplifying different spells
Unarmed fists,knuckles, gloves and claws!
All weapons groups receive plenty of new additions
Specialty Ranger equipment (Ranger class)
Specialty Battle Mage equipment (Staff Defense skill)
Specialty Assassin equipment (Assassination skill)
Bone crafting Ritual system - (improve stats and skills with skulls and bones)
Around 270 secrets, 4/5 secret levels, Treasures - rings, canes, coins etc
18 levels - most full map size
Linear game play that then branches into an open dungeon scenario with more freedom late game
New ingredients and new potions
Cursed Equipment with special means to uncurse each piece...
Most of the wall sets the community has to offer have been utilized and mixed together.
Very challenging boss battles that will have you planning weapons and magic very carefully
Lots of notes, books, scrolls and things to read! - helps with the story line...
The credit list for the mod is extensive. I will leave a list of names here but soon I will link up the names to what they have done for the mod.....
A HUGE thank you to Leewroy, Bongobeat, Banaora, Tristanna (who sent me daily/weekly reports!

You guys have helped out so much with the beta testing, I don't know how to thank you (YOUR NAMES ARE IN CAPITALS IN THE CREDITS)

I could never had it play tested it properly by myself any time soon
Also big big credits to: Grimwold, Neikun, Crisman, Diarmuid, Wordsworth, Marble Mouth, Adrageron, Merethif, Batty, Asteroth, Fhizban, flatline, mysblade, Daniv, Komag,
Drakkan, Batty, CrazyGage, Trudel, Jkos, LG and many many more (EVERY ONE IN THE COMMUNITY has contributed in some way).
Without you all, this mod simply would not exist.
And again, a truly massive credit to minmay for the rewriting and fixes he has contributed in the final stages.
Here are some screen shots:
Link to Youtube walkthrough
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwG3wV ... 5wfIQLxlKw
This is the nexus link: