Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:00 am
GrimFBX v0.0.1.0
One day this will be part of the GMT, but I've had to develop it separately as the FBX SDK from Autodesk doesn't have a C# interface. This C++ app will allow for conversion between FBX Models and Grimrock Models. It's taking a while, but only because the FBX SDK is extensive, quite different to other formats and I've never used it before.
This first release is very much 'in alpha' at the moment, so please don't expect it to work properly for anything (although it should!). There is a first stab at getting bones to work - so testing that would be very useful. Unfortunately, it's a command line tool at the moment. I'm not really sure of the direction to go in yet... (1) Make it a windows DLL for the GMT, and/or (2) Keep it command line so it can be used on OSX when the OSX version of Grimrock comes out or (3) make it a separate, simple, cross-platform wxWidgets app (no 3D renderer in this one!).
Zip file GrimFBX-0-0-1-0.zip simply contains an EXE file that can either run as part of a .bat file, or if you just double click it you can enter the same commands interactively. Commands at the moment...
GrimFBX grim2fbx E:\Path\To\Files\altar.model [E:\Path\To\Files\altar.fbx]
GrimFBX fbx2grim E:\Path\To\Files\altar.fbx [E:\Path\To\Files\altar.model]
If you don't provide an output file name, it just uses the input name but with the new extension. In interactive mode, miss off the GrimFBX at the start of each line (that invokes the app if it's not running).
Please let me know how you get on! I hope to refine and add animation support over the next week or two!
One day this will be part of the GMT, but I've had to develop it separately as the FBX SDK from Autodesk doesn't have a C# interface. This C++ app will allow for conversion between FBX Models and Grimrock Models. It's taking a while, but only because the FBX SDK is extensive, quite different to other formats and I've never used it before.
This first release is very much 'in alpha' at the moment, so please don't expect it to work properly for anything (although it should!). There is a first stab at getting bones to work - so testing that would be very useful. Unfortunately, it's a command line tool at the moment. I'm not really sure of the direction to go in yet... (1) Make it a windows DLL for the GMT, and/or (2) Keep it command line so it can be used on OSX when the OSX version of Grimrock comes out or (3) make it a separate, simple, cross-platform wxWidgets app (no 3D renderer in this one!).
Zip file GrimFBX-0-0-1-0.zip simply contains an EXE file that can either run as part of a .bat file, or if you just double click it you can enter the same commands interactively. Commands at the moment...
GrimFBX grim2fbx E:\Path\To\Files\altar.model [E:\Path\To\Files\altar.fbx]
GrimFBX fbx2grim E:\Path\To\Files\altar.fbx [E:\Path\To\Files\altar.model]
If you don't provide an output file name, it just uses the input name but with the new extension. In interactive mode, miss off the GrimFBX at the start of each line (that invokes the app if it's not running).
Please let me know how you get on! I hope to refine and add animation support over the next week or two!