hello everyone
my first dungeons (well lvl) is online , i hope you will have fun playing it
this is my first work so i try to do my best , they re is no intro and ending for now cause i lack on skill coding but next dungeons will be better i hope
have a good days everyone and comment plz if you like or not , this will really help on working !
thx to everyone and to grimrock.net for help and inspiration
[MOD]awaken dungeon !
Re: [MOD]awaken dungeon !
To make an intro all you have to do is Copy the text here:http://www.grimrock.net/modding/how-to- ... inematics/
Into a file called intro in your cinematics folder. Then insert your own story in the parts with sample story. Title to title etc. I understand not noticing, I only did a few days ago. If you want to skip coding again take msyblades premade ending script and repeat:viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4365&p=44645&hilit ... TRO#p44645.
Hope this helps! (I could certaintly never code my own)
Into a file called intro in your cinematics folder. Then insert your own story in the parts with sample story. Title to title etc. I understand not noticing, I only did a few days ago. If you want to skip coding again take msyblades premade ending script and repeat:viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4365&p=44645&hilit ... TRO#p44645.
Hope this helps! (I could certaintly never code my own)
I am the God of darkness and corruption.
Re: [MOD]awaken dungeon !
I will try it when my new dungeon will be finishedhyteria wrote:hello everyone
my first dungeons (well lvl) is online , i hope you will have fun playing it
this is my first work so i try to do my best , they re is no intro and ending for now cause i lack on skill coding but next dungeons will be better i hope
have a good days everyone and comment plz if you like or not , this will really help on working !
thx to everyone and to grimrock.net for help and inspiration

I must have a little rest and try other mods !
Re: [MOD]awaken dungeon !
hehe thx panda , i m on your master key dungeon and it is really great , i love your musical ambiance !!!!)
Re: [MOD]awaken dungeon !
Sorry for the bump, but I thought I would leave my thoughts on this dungeon. The puzzles were good but it was too short. It would have taken me less than an hour, but I spent forever killing all those tentacles near the end, thinking I could use the EXP later. There should have been some kind of boss fight at the end as well. Overall, not bad for your first one, I'd been interested in more dungeons from you.