Hey guys! Been a nice long holiday break, and I hope everyone else had a good, relaxing fun time.
Now, break's over and it's time to get back to modding some Grimrock! Unfortunately, my holiday made me soft...my search-fu is weak.
I need to make intro and ending cinematics for my next dungeon and I'd appreciate it if someone could hook me up with a link that will show me how. Or if you're feeling very nice...I'd love for someone to throw me together a quick little thing that I can just copy/paste real quick and then modify as I need.
Thanks, y'all. I can't wait to show off my next dungeon!
Intro and Ending
Intro and Ending
My finished mods:
A Curious Conundrum http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/135 also on Steam Workshop
Current WIP:
Lair of Unarak http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/137
A Curious Conundrum http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/135 also on Steam Workshop
Current WIP:
Lair of Unarak http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/137
Re: Intro and Ending
Hello there.Redweaver wrote:Hey guys! Been a nice long holiday break, and I hope everyone else had a good, relaxing fun time.
Now, break's over and it's time to get back to modding some Grimrock! Unfortunately, my holiday made me soft...my search-fu is weak.
I need to make intro and ending cinematics for my next dungeon and I'd appreciate it if someone could hook me up with a link that will show me how. Or if you're feeling very nice...I'd love for someone to throw me together a quick little thing that I can just copy/paste real quick and then modify as I need.
Thanks, y'all. I can't wait to show off my next dungeon!
As for intro it´s quite easy. In mod_assets there is directory Cinematics and under it you need create intro.lua file (perhaps its there already). Now jsut insert commands, which allows everything to be displayed. Chceck here
http://www.grimrock.net/modding/how-to- ... inematics/
as for the ending - create in the same folder file ending.lua and place in game script which will lead to it (there will game end)
Code: Select all
function endGame()
Re: Intro and Ending
I made this prescripted one a while back, it has an onClick at end to insert your own credits. 

Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.
"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture."
Hotel Hades
"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture."
Hotel Hades