This is simply an exact replica of the original game, but now you can look "under the hood" and see how everything is done in the editor.
Steam: ... =131395954
Nexus: (SOURCE is here)
If you want to open it up in the editor to see all the scripting plus all my notes and commentary, you can get the SOURCE file from the Nexus page.
Here is the readme.txt (spoiler for post formatting, no actual spoilers)
by Komag
Legend of Grimrock - Remake is a full re-creation of the original game, made with the dungeon editor.
There are some known issues (mostly with how dreams work and how the final boss interaction and battle works), but for the most part everything should be identical to the original game (with some exceptions noted in the CHANGES list below).
One benefit of playing Legend of Grimrock in this manner is that you now have the option to import a party and begin the dungeon at a higher level, such as if you found the game to be too hard or if you just feel like defeating everything with one hit!
The larger purpose of this project was, first of all, to learn the editor better, and secondly, to open up the original dungeon's puzzles so others who are using the editor can see how it all was done. The source files are available as a separate download on Grimrock Nexus (, including the main dungeon editor file which contains lots of notes and comments on how I discovered the way things were set up and how I approached certain puzzles and problems.
Please message me (official Grimrock forums) about gameplay problems or important differences you may notice, thanks.
PS - If your console is enabled you will see a lot of debug print messages that I used to figure out how things worked. You can turn them off (and on again) by pressing Z and X at the same time.
------- CHANGES --------
I made quite a few minor changes from the original game for various reasons. In general I wanted to stay quite faithful to it, but here and there I judged a change was called for.
(petri fixed a couple of these in v1.3.6)
- 0 added magic spell generic sound for enchanting arrows
- 1 added fall landing sound, health damage, and proper individual damage sounds depending on race/gender of champions
- 2 walk back puzzle, very tiny increase in time
- 2 moved sling a little to make it more visible
- 4 added extra "soundAt" for herder teleport sound, in the first room
- 4 changed Time and Tide chitin alcove secret activation (mask taken, not alcove empty)
- 4 rotated hint scroll after Menagerie to be on N side of square, consistent with other three scrolls around central teleporter
- 4 changed how lever works to turn back on teles (toggle) in main room after trap sprung
- 5 reduced "legs carry you here" plate to 6 deactivates (from 8)
- 6(5) Toorum "scroll" changed to a note (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 6 walkabout - original game doesn't click when going back to first plate, mine does
- 6 crystal dreamPlate - I "fixed" and added the missing dream, unlocked here
- 7 added ceiling shaft to light in N pits room
- 9 "removed" mistake extra pillar at end of pillared hallway
- 10(9) rock throw puzzle (basement of 9), I made it more real according to note instead of easy/fake original version
- 10 S of inner sanctum, fixed red gem alcove door behavior (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 10 added ceiling shaft to lights in sanctum
- 11 added rock, in case needed for tomb W (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 11 added ceiling shaft to light in tomb E
- 11 fixed burnt torch problem (now allowed)
- 13 spread out armor in supply room
- 12,14 DREAM and CUBE changes are not so much design choices as they are editor constraints.
My MUCH larger project, Legend of Grimrock - Master Quest, is in final stages of testing and should be released next week