Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:35 pm
I just recently read the announcement about LoG II and like everybody else, I can hardly contain myself.
So, in order to relieve so of my pent-up excitement, I'm going to start posting some ideas that come to mind that I think would go well with a sequel.
I can only hope that an official topic gets posted to handle this in a more organized manner.
So, without further ado, let's get started!
1. This first thing that comes to mind is the word "outside". Really, the first thing I would expect from a sequel is to see what the world outside of the mountain would look like. Immediately, this opens up a ton of new avenues for design, but I'll keep them in check for later items.
-Now, first, the outside doesn't have to actually be navigated as a dungeon. The huge map that accompanied the game in the "extras" section showed that there is plenty of room for story and exploration. The actual dungeon exploration could be limited to inside exploration, but I think that some over-world navigation would be well received.
2. To go along with the idea of outside exploration is the concept of multiple biomes. Not long after finishing the game, I came up with some sketches of what a particular scene might look like if it were set in a deep, dark forest; a blizzard-ridden mountain pass; and an underwater palace. I wish I still had them, but sadly they were tossed out with last year's paperwork.
4. Going back to the idea of multiple biomes, one of the neat obstacles that could be added is environmental effects, such as extreme cold, heat, oxygen-deprivation, and aura. Some could be beneficial or harmful, depending on what the environment is, and probably some gear to combat that. My only worry is that it might get a little too cliche, even for Grimrock. Probably not, though.
5. My last idea for now involves the concept of multiplayer within Grimrock. This is probably something that has come up many times at design meetings and has probably already been nixed a completely hopeless. I would like to propose a sort of "Race against the Overseer" game-mode, where 1-4 players take control of some/all of the adventurers, and another player takes control of the overseer, who has to try and stop the adventurers from reaching the end (being a hard-set goal or maybe a moving enitity) by placing traps and monsters in their way. It's a rough concept, but maybe it could work with some extra insight.
Well, this has gone on long enough, and I'm sure you're sick of reading, so I'll be quiet for a while and listen to what you have to say about this.
Farewell, for now.
So, in order to relieve so of my pent-up excitement, I'm going to start posting some ideas that come to mind that I think would go well with a sequel.
I can only hope that an official topic gets posted to handle this in a more organized manner.
So, without further ado, let's get started!
1. This first thing that comes to mind is the word "outside". Really, the first thing I would expect from a sequel is to see what the world outside of the mountain would look like. Immediately, this opens up a ton of new avenues for design, but I'll keep them in check for later items.
-Now, first, the outside doesn't have to actually be navigated as a dungeon. The huge map that accompanied the game in the "extras" section showed that there is plenty of room for story and exploration. The actual dungeon exploration could be limited to inside exploration, but I think that some over-world navigation would be well received.
2. To go along with the idea of outside exploration is the concept of multiple biomes. Not long after finishing the game, I came up with some sketches of what a particular scene might look like if it were set in a deep, dark forest; a blizzard-ridden mountain pass; and an underwater palace. I wish I still had them, but sadly they were tossed out with last year's paperwork.

On a slightly less mechanics-oriented note, I remember being really scared of the statues of the gladiators. Those could really have jumped off of their pedestals and owned the heck out of my party. Sadly, they never did. Maybe, for the sake of those with weak hearts, it was a good thing. Still, I'd love to see a statue come to life and try something like that. That would be awesome!
5. My last idea for now involves the concept of multiplayer within Grimrock. This is probably something that has come up many times at design meetings and has probably already been nixed a completely hopeless. I would like to propose a sort of "Race against the Overseer" game-mode, where 1-4 players take control of some/all of the adventurers, and another player takes control of the overseer, who has to try and stop the adventurers from reaching the end (being a hard-set goal or maybe a moving enitity) by placing traps and monsters in their way. It's a rough concept, but maybe it could work with some extra insight.
Well, this has gone on long enough, and I'm sure you're sick of reading, so I'll be quiet for a while and listen to what you have to say about this.
Farewell, for now.