Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Post by Komag »


- A full-length add-on to the original PC/Mac/Linux game Legend of Grimrock, in the spirit of the Master Quest versions of some Zelda games, where the entire game can be played again with new changes and challenges for a fresh updated experience.
- A complete re-working of the entire original game with tons of new puzzles, updated dungeon designs, unique story elements, and more. It has been referred to as "Grimrock on Steroids".

- SCALING! Dungeon scales up in difficultly/reward for higher level imported parties, works well with parties starting up to level 25 or so!
- LOOT! Every item has a loot value, and you can earn "ranks" according to your treasure gathering prowess!
- Two new "boss" battles to experience!
- Longer Ending - there is more to do after the original final boss fight!
- Tons of new puzzles, story, dungeon layouts, etc. A whole new "refreshed" Grimrock experience, but still retains the heart and soul of the original game.

Steam: LINK
Nexus: LINK

(If you want to open it up in the editor to see all the scripting plus notes, you can get the SOURCE file from the Nexus page as well.)

First, you need to have the original game Legend of Grimrock installed (support the indie developers by purchasing HERE)
  1. Download the dungeon's ".dat" file from Steam or Nexus
  2. Stick it in the proper folder:
    PC: Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Dungeons
    Mac: /Library/Application Support/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock/
    Linux: ~/.local/share/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock
  3. Start Grimrock and select "Custom Dungeon" from the main menu!
(You must be running Grimrock version 1.3.6 or higher, or 1.3.7 for Macs

If you are using Steam (click "Subscribe") or Nexus download manager, they even do the downloading
and "installing" for you, so you just "click-n-play", so easy!

Here is the readme.txt (spoiler for post formatting, no actual spoilers)
by Komag

Oct 31, 2013 - version 1.4

Legend of Grimrock - Master Quest is a complete re-working of the entire original game with tons of new puzzles, updated dungeon designs, unique story elements, and more. It has been referred to as "Grimrock on Steroids" and "Grimrock 1.5"

The source files are available as a separate download on Grimrock Nexus (grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/239), including the main dungeon editor file and many supporting files and notes about how I set up (and fixed!) all the complex systems listed below.

- The overarching dungeon layout is similar, but there are lots of local changes to specific rooms, and some completely new areas have been added as well.
- Original assets were used for the most part, with a few notable exceptions (such as Daniv's excellent wall set variations).
- Most major items have been moved.
- Puzzles have been generally "upgraded".
- The base difficulty level is increased:
* stronger monsters
* more monsters
* trickier puzzles (some with added clues)
- The difficulty (and XP awarded) scales up dramatically according to the average level of the champions at the start (a one-time basis), so you can import your original Grimrock dungeon party and continue your adventure and advancement.
- There is increased replayability as high-level imported parties can expect to gain around 9 or 10 additional levels, and a variety of new skill tomes also add to the progression.
- The dungeon scaling is designed to work well for parties starting out from level 1 up to level 25 or so, with the high end earning their way up to around level 35 by the end. This provides a unique chance to max-out multiple skills which really changes the strategy and approach to playing Grimrock.
- A whole new "loot" system has been added which tells you how much wealth your party has accumulated from the dungeon!
- Every item in the game has judiciously been assigned a loot value, adding a new dimension to inventory decisions about what to toss and what to keep.
- Your party will periodically be "ranked" and titled according to your current loot total, with a final accounting and verdict issued near the end of the game.
- A new armor set system has been worked in, rewarding you with interesting stat and condition bonuses if you can collect and equip any of six different complete armor sets.
- An entirely new side storyline has been added (Lord Perel's failed expedition), and other lengthy writings have been expanded upon or added containing new lore and background fiction.
- Earthquakes play a bigger role and affect the party, monsters, and the surrounding environment.
- Spell scrolls now grant a small skill or stat bonus, so they are not totally worthless.
- Two new bosses await your challenge! (One is optional)
- The original 71 secrets have been greatly expanded to 120.
- There is an extended end-game denouement that takes place after the events of the original last battle, ultimately leading to a final frenetic escape from Mount Grimrock.
- A "Quick Action Bar" has been implemented to allow for handy gear swapping and fast potion quaffing.
- Many other small changes, additions, improvements, etc, have been made to the original labyrinth.

This project began as a precise re-creation of the original Legend of Grimrock dungeon with all its puzzles and scripting, largely as an exercise in mastering the editor. As I neared completion of that monumental task, I asked myself "Self, aren't people bored of the original game by now?". So I figured, why not pull a "Zelda" and create a changed-up re-imagined harder version and call it the Master Quest?

For the most part things will feel very familiar to the original game while offering a ton of fresh changes and cool extras to give you a revitalized Legend of Grimrock experience!

Feel free to contact me (official Grimrock forums) with any comments or bugs/problems you find, how you liked or didn't like the puzzles, clues, fights, story, etc, or anything else.


PS - If your console is enabled you have the option to turn on all the debug print messages I used to figure out how things were working or not. Simply press Z and X at the same time to toggle them on/off. Warning - the debug messages may contain many spoilers.

PPS - This mod requires Grimrock version 1.3.6 or higher. (Macs should have 1.3.7 or higher to avoid the "out of memory" bug)

For you Secret-Hunters out there, here is a chart that lists the secrets-per-level:
Level Secrets SubTotal
3..........12........23 (3 on lv4)
4..........13........36 (1 on lv5)
5..........8..........44 (1 on lv6)
6..........14........58 (5 on different levels)
7..........14........72 (4 on lv8 )
9..........14........99 (1 on lv10)
10........14........113 (3 on lv11)

A detailed walkthrough and a full list of secrets and collection items (with pictures and descriptions of how to get each one) can be found here:

QUICK ACTION BAR: (by JohnWordsworth)

The Quick Action Bar functions as follows:

- Click on the right side of the panel to move it anywhere on the screen.
- Select an active champion from the four champion buttons on the left side.
- With a champion selected, the action buttons do the following:
* The axe/shield button swaps the items in the champion's hands with whatever is in the first two slots of the champion's inventory.
* The healing and energy potion buttons will consume a potion in ANY champion's inventory (but not in sacks/chests) and apply it to the selected champion.

- Press ',' to toggle the quick bar on/off.
- Press '.' to reset its position (in case it gets stuck under the portraits).
- 1,2,3,4 to select champions (also, i,o,k,l)
- g,h,j to activate the three buttons ("Gear" swap, "Health" potion, energy "Juice")
- Or click on the tiny ".." in the upper right corner to customize all the hotkeys to your liking

- Radar6590: item
- Wanderer: item
- Phitt: many models
- JohnWordsworth: code, GMT, QAB
- Xanathar: code, item
- Ixnatifual: code, item
- Mutman: item
- grimwold: code
- LordYig: code, item
- Daniv/Sutekh: code, textures
- wallasaurus: model
- Isaac: model
- Leki: monster
- Skuggasveinn: model
- undeaddemon: textures
- Midnight Syndicate: music

- Dr.Disaster (extremely helpful!)
- mahric
- Drakkan
- Wanderer
- RMariano
- Neikun
- J. Trudel


1.4 - Oct 31, 2013 - many minor details, plus a couple big additions:
- NEW: Quick Action Bar!
- NEW: Armor Sets!
- resting-to-heal-poison exploit fixed!
- spell scroll element bonuses increased
- entitiesAt and allEntities fixes
- dreamland orb light fix
- fixed archery book text
- holding cells plate updated
- Trails of Thought plates updated
- Maze of Madness hint update
- swapped positions of some armor
- a teleporter sound removed later
- a teleport sound reduced
- Nex alcove coded differently
- "crazy door" will stop later
- added a couple tar beads later on
- a spectral relay puzzle now reversible
- tic tac puzzle made easier, quicker
- a check to avoid double plate links
- fixed a plate name
- added a small tic sound cue for a puzzle
- Ogre Crossing lights updated
- some small buttons changed to tiny
- made a plate visible to avoid a mistake
- nudged a blooddrop blossom
- nudged a shuriken to not grab through bars
- linked a button to two walls, not one
- changed a button to a lever
- changed a wall to a portcullis
- blocked an enemy to a certain area
- lightScript now tracks darkness spell
- a late boss "beefed up" for balance
- added an ongoing console clear function
- adjusted two minor loot values (junk)

1.3 - Apr 23, 2013 - a few more small issues:
- dagger value now displayed correctly
- fixed misspelling: "bath" changed to "bathe"
- moved a wall slightly for a rock toss puzzle to work better

1.2 - Mar 29, 2013 - fixed a couple more minor bugs:
- wake-up crash happened again in a very rare circumstance of picking up a certain invisible utility item.
...stamped out for good now, item cannot be picked up, and script won't crash anymore regardless.
- in rare cases it was possible for the portcullis in the entrance are of "Deserted Tunnels" on Lv5 to be prematurely closed.
...now an extra button is provided just in case.
- it was just barely possible to get into the room on Lv8 with the plate cuirass and the crazy up-down door, and then be stuck inside.
...now an extra button on the inside is provided as a means of escape.

1.1 - Mar 21, 2013 - fixed minor bugs and issues:
- wake-up crash if holding scroll of enchant shock arrow
- method of version checking
- "gift of sharp light" clues

1.0 - Mar 16, 2013 - public release!
Here are a few screenshots (reduced size for forums):





For hints, secrets, and walkthrough, see this thread:
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Drakkan »

and I thought Christmas is only once a year... :P
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Wanderer »

Congratulation again for the release Komag.
Cant wait to play again your Mod, this time with imported Party.
It was really a good Idea bringing replayablity into your mod.

lg Wanderer
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Numberouane »

Congratulations and thank you for the gift!


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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Xanathar »

Played the first level.
This is epic. It's like replaying the game after 10 years. I am continually like "hey but this is bigger than I remember", "uh, I thought this thing goes here and instead is there" and "now I turn around the corner and I finally find the... nope" :lol:

Fantastic :) Definitively going to play this to the end!

(playing with a lvl 20 party, 3x wrestlers, 1 fire mage)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Dr.Disaster »

"What?!? There is more LOOT to grab?? I have to pay another visit!" :mrgreen:

No doubt, Master Quest is - simply put - awesome! What else could i say after 70 hours of beta? :D
Definately - and finally - replaying it with a new party AND ol' Toorum, for "more LOOT" this time :lol:
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by leewroy »

Lemme just finish Chaos Key...I'm very excited with this project.

Btw...how many levels?
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Komag »

well, in the editor there are listed 19, but that's deceptive, as the bottom 4 are just a big pit, so the real answer is 15 :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU

Post by Diarmuid »

Oh dear. There goes my sleeping time again...
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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU


You guys & gals at Almost Human are awesome! I truly mean that, I'm not trying to kiss your "feet". This style of dungeon crawling was one of the first I was ever introduced to as a kid. (Shadowgate NES & Eye of the Beholder SNES) Then when a buddy in high school had a capable PC, he introduced me to Eye of the Beholder II & III and Dungeon Hack. I've been hooked for some 24 years. :geek:

Last year I was so excited when I read about a game being made that was a throw-back/homage to games like Menzoberranzan and EoB. Now what an amazing coincidence that I just become a member on these forums, start playing with the editor, and today find out you're now releasing a Master Quest version of Legend of Grimrock!! I've played through LoG twice over this past year, and now I cannot wait to dive into this. :D

Again, thank you so much for your teams hard work and for making this game available via http://www.GoG.com! That's where I first heard about your game and subsequently bought it from. ;)
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