This thread is for any help with Legend of Grimrock - Master Quest, by Komag.
If you are stuck on a puzzle, not sure where to go or what to do next, or can't find a secret or a treasure, ask here!
Please be careful to use reasonable spoiler tags so people with different questions won't get spoilered!

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This won’t get you everything, just the basics to proceed, although I’ll mention which secrets are nearby.
(SECRET 1-1-1)
- grab torch to open portcullis
- pull lever to open portcullis
- place an item on plate to open portcullis
- find key in N alcove, put key in door lock to open door
- push secret button to open wall, get key, put key in lock to open portcullis
- fight snail, fight more snails
- throw item across pit to land on plate to close pit, step across to get key, put key in lock to open door
- head N to herder area
- pull level to open portcullis
- fight herders
- pull lever to open portcullis to cell
- get blue gem
(SECRET 1-2-2)
- head S to snail area
- pull lever to close pit
- step on plate to open portcullis
- fight snails as needed
- find blue gem in cell area
- push secret button to get out if needed (place item on plate)
- put blue gems in daemon eyes, fight skeleton (retrieve gems if wanted)
(SECRET 1-3-3)
- use healing gem if wanted
- fight snail
- fight snail(s)
- make way to SW room
- fight herders
- find iron key
(SECRET 2-1-4)
- use iron key in door lock
- get compass (or not)
(SECRET 2-2-5)
- fight snail
- find brass key through cell bars
- use brass key in lock to open door
(SECRET 2-3-6)
- place items on the two plates to open door
- place a weapon in alcove to open door
- fight snails
- find iron key
(SECRET 2-4-7)
- teleport to far NW cells
- rotate cell contents with buttons to get sack with iron key
(SECRET 2-5-8)
- if wanted, fight skeletons in "Enter thy grave" (can toss item in onto plate)
- use two iron keys in locks to proceed to crystal
- head W into crowern lair, fight crowerns
- press secret button in S room
- press secret button in newly opened room
- fight new crowern
- press secret button in newly opened room
- find brass key in newly opened room off S room
- head E into E side
- face secret button near teleporter
- have mouse in exact spot of button
- press S to step back and immediately click mouse button
- press S two more times in careful quick succession
- toss item to plate to close pit
- fight crowern
- find brass key in alcove
- if wanted, remove item from plate and jump in pit
- use two brass keys in locks to process to teleporter N of crystal
- grab whitewood wand in alcove
- push secret button on N wall to open portcullis
- fight herders in halls
- push button to open door (notice wall opening back W also
- fight more herders
(SECRET 2-6-9)
- find brass key in N room
- use key in lock to open wall
- pull lever at S end of hallway to open path back to crystal
- step on plate, wait 3s for door to open
- fight skeletons
(SECRET 2-7-10)
(SECRET 2-8-11)
- optional - push secret button near end to open walls, fight snail, path back to crystal
(SECRET 3-1-12) - required
- have torches only in torch holders on the central "pillar" of the room to open door
- fight crowerns, skeleton archer
- (SECRET 3-2-13)
- fight skeletons in crypts room (can use item on plate and stay outside door)
- find brass key in S alcove
- if trapped, pull lever in NE crypt or put item on plate and jump in pit
- use key in lock to open door
- place lightning blade (from secret 3-1-12) in alcove to open portcullis
- encounter snail king, receive judgement
- fight spider
(SECRET 3-3-14)
(SECRET 3-4-15)
(SECRET 3-5-16)
- follow fast teleporter around to W side, turn E
- toss an item across to plate to close trap door (don't let teleporter get it!)
- pull lever
- following teleporter, place an item on plate immediately after teleporter was over the plate
- quickly step through portcullis before teleporter comes full around to wisk away item on plate
- pull lever to open portcullis leading back to fast teleporter
- break eggs and fight spider to the S
- place something through bars onto trapdoor and push button to get iron key
(SECRET 3-6-17)
- head E, fight spider, fight spiders in spider room SE, find iron key
(SECRET 3-7-18)
- use two iron keys in locks to head N
- fight spiders
(SECRET 3-8-19)
- push secret button around corner of regular button to open walls, fight spider
- push regular button to temporarily open portcullis, run around shortcut side to make it through in time
- if desired, push button on nearby wall to open portcullis again to retreat while fighting new spiders
- head N
- fight spiders
- find satchel to collect Lord Perel notes
- fight spiders
(SECRET 3-9-20)
- fight spiders
- maybe fight more spiders
- plate item through portcullis bars onto plate to open portcullis
(SECRET 3-10-21)
- step on plate to S but quickly step out of the way so ghost shot can hit receptor to open door
(SECRET 3-11-22)
- optional, pull lever to close trapdoor, push secret button on wall to close trapdoor, making path back to crystal
(SECRET 3-12-23)
- step on plate, fight herders, get iron key
- use key in lock to open portcullis (and grating back to level 3)
- in main hall, fight skeleton archers
- use NW teleporter to go to "Beast Gardens and Menagerie"
- push button and quickly step left to block ghost shot from closing portcullis again
- push secret buttons on ends of rows of blocks to open the portcullises for the three cells
(SECRET 4-1-24)
- run around room a lot to step on hidden plates to spawn skeletons
- lure the skeletons inside each cell, so all three are filled
(SECRET 4-2-25)
(SECRET 4-3-26)
- retrieve scroll in central hub room (room with many pits and teleporter in the middle), teleport back
- use SW teleporter to go to "Time and Tide"
- stand on plate, listen to clicks, throw a weapon item far (use "attack") so it teleports and lands on plate, closing trap doors
(SECRET 4-4-27)
- walk across closing trap doors in sequence
(SECRET 4-5-28)
- at end, toss something over pits to land on plate, opening portcullis before all trap doors open again
(SECRET 4-6-29)
- retrieve scroll in central hub room, teleport back
- use NE teleporter to go to "The Catacomb"
- step E to trigger trap doors opening and N and S walls opening
- fight many skeleton warriors and archers
(SECRET 4-7-30)
- find and remove weights from three pressure plates in the area (rock, boiled beetle, skeleton patrol in cell)
(SECRET 4-8-31)
(SECRET 4-9-32)
(SECRET 4-10-33)
- walk across closed trap doors, retrieve scroll in central hub room, teleport back
- in main hall, fight tentacles in floor drain (if you do the sections in a different order, this fight is after the third scroll you retrieve)
- use SE teleporter to go to "Trails of Thought"
- proceed through teleporter room (each plate toggles teleporters around it on or off)
- one pattern is E,E,E,S,W,N,W,S,E,N,W,N,face wall and press button to open door,E,S,W,N,E,S,W,S,E,N,E,S,E
- fight crowern
(SECRET 4-11-34)
- step on plates in a pattern to close all three pits (step onto a closed pit once as part of the pattern)
- one pattern is N,E,E,N,S,W,E,N
- get iron key from alcove, use it to open door at end of hallway
(SECRET 4-12-35)
- retrieve scroll in central hub room, teleport back
(SECRET 4-13-36)
- match four scrolls to the four wall texts by the four alcoves
"Caverns still echoing ... by his call"
"Put to sleep ... but still dreaming"
"Crimes forgotten ... but never forgiven"
"Eternally imprisoned ... to depths beyond measure"
- fight scavengers! (easiest is on the E side of room, can use Crytal, can retreat to level 5 to rest)
- pull lever to open portcullis to center E room
- push secret button on N wall to open S wall
(SECRET 5-1-37)
- get iron key, pull lever to exit room, use key in lock to open SW portcullis
- encounter snail king, receive judgement
(SECRET 5-2-38)
(SECRET 5-3-39)
- in pits room, push buttons on N wall and put (or toss) items onto plates to alter trap doors to cross to SE corner
- notice, you can use the buttons near the other two plates to teleport objects back to your side, freeing the far plate
- get iron key from alcove, fight crowern and wyvern, wait, fight another crowern and wyvern
- use plates to manipulate trap doors again (the plate near alcove resets them to either all open or one predetermined pattern, start from either way)
(SECRET 5-4-40)
- use iron key to open wooden door S of crystal
- fight crowerns and wyverns
- fight crabs
(SECRET 5-5-41)
- pull lever (start door sequence), turn right, step right, back, right, push button (open wooden door), toss item to W plate, run through portcullis and wooden door (no turning)
- now you cannot go back!
- fight small herder
- if you walk around a lot, walls will eventually open, fight various enemies, get loot, walk in new areas, more walls open, etc.
- pull lever to open wooden door to N room, get ornate key from alcove
- pull N lever to open wall, path back to Deserted Tunnels entryway
(SECRET 5-6-42)
(SECRET 5-7-43)
- push button to start pit cycle
- when pits are closed, run out onto them, cycle around
(SECRET 5-8-44)
- head to SW section, fight crab
- avoid ambush by placing some other object in alcove first, then take ornate key
- head back to west hallway
- fight skeleton warriors and archers (if you do Chamber of Pits before Deserted Hallways, this fight will be after both keys are retrieved)
- use both ornate keys in locks in west hallway, descend stairs
- step on plate, run quickly either NE or SW to escape spidery death, close portcullis behind, fight spiders one at a time
- return to main cavern, fight ogre
(SECRET 6-1-45)
- go NE, far N, then W into snail room, fight snails, eat!
- proceed W into Maze of Madness
- in this room, step into the NE teleporter - it will simply turn you W if you were not already facing that way
- turn E and push "noisy control" button (there is an extra loud click), turning off a certain teleporter SW
- step in the SE teleporter, placing you in the center of the room facing E
- step W into the teleporter, which places you in the center W of the room, facing E
- step N into the teleporter, which places you further to the S of the room
- step around to the alcove in the SW corner, get the first round key there
(SECRET 6-2-46)
- return to hallway and get trapped by the true "madness"
- toggle lever that doesn't open wall, step E two steps, DON'T step S, but step back W two steps to lever, toggle again to open wall
- back in teleporters room, step in NE teleporter again and push "noisy control" again, turning off hallway trap
- return to slime room and back into hall E of it
- OPTIONAL: one round key is enough to reach the crystal - head far SE, fight two crabs beyond portcullis, W to locked door, use key, crystal in side room behind door
(SECRET 6-3-47)
(SECRET 6-4-48)
- walk around in the area enough to spawn a few skeleton warriors, lure at least two of them into the "cage" area, run through opening in wall SW of cage
- fight skeleton warrior group, pick up second round key
- pull lever to open wall permanently, return to main cavern
- if you haven't already, head far SE, open portcullis, fight crabs
- enter the E teleporter to enter the "Sequencis" rooms
- do not push "red herring" button on wall in one of the rooms (if you do a poison cloud will release)
- open the wooden door, fight snail in the moments you can until it's defeated, then pull lever that was behind snail (opens portcullis elsewhere)
- step through opened portcullis in far SE room, fight crab and small herders, find third round key
(SECRET 6-5-49)
(SECRET 6-6-50)
- three round keys is enough to proceed to level 7 - use round keys in locks near crystal, step through teleporter, head down stairs
- from Halls of Fire entryway, head S, fight crab, herder, put item on plate, toggle lever to turn off fire, proceed S to claim fire blade
(SECRET 6-7-51)
(SECRET 6-8-52)
(SECRET 6-9-53)
- Mages Entrance - use fire blade or fireball spell or fire bomb to hit daemon face with fire, quickly step out of the way as it shoots fire back at you
- portcullis is now down from daemon's fireball hitting receptor (you can hit receptor directly if you wish to toggle portcullis)
- toss an item to the plate just across the pit (if portcullis is down you can toss something into it to fall on plate), pit will close
- cross pit, stand on plate, turn around and use fire blade or fireball spell or fire bomb to hit receptor, portcullis will open
- alternative - place an item through portcullis bars onto plate under daemon head, pick item back up, walls will open
- optional - enter N room, close door, stand in SW corner, toss item to plate, immediate face N, step N, and grab gold key when it momentarily appears
(SECRET 6-10-54)
- in uggardian lair, fight uggardians
- fight or drop (with secret button) the ogre in the S cell
- do pattern of pushing buttons and stepping quickly over closed pits to reach W side of uggardian lair:
- push button in S cell
- push button on S side of E block (opens E wall)
- step S twice, return to push button in S cell again
- push button on S side of E block again, turn left, push button on E side of W block (opens S wall)
- turn right, step N, turn right, push button on W side of E block
- turn right, step S, turn right, push button on E side of W block again
- (REPEAT so S wall can open all the way)
- turn right, step N, turn right, push button on W side of E block again
- turn right, step S, turn right, push button on E side of W block again
- finally, step S and W to reach W side of uggardian lair.
- fight uggardian that has shown up
- find large secret button on wall to close a pit for easy way back
- grab round key from alcove, fight another summoned uggardian
(SECRET 6-11-55)
(SECRET 6-12-56)
- Fighter's Challenge:
(SECRET 6-13-57)
(SECRET 6-14-58)
- fight green slimes
(SECRET 7-1-59)
- in Maze of Shadows, many large secret buttons move walls, blocking off light to allow you to pass each area, winding your way through
(SECRET 7-2-60)
(SECRET 7-3-61)
(SECRET 7-4-62)
- head N from Maze of Shadows NW exit, fight uggardian
(SECRET 7-5-63)
- proceed N, then W, then S, step on or place or toss an item onto the pressure plate, opening many doors for the big slime ambush
- flee or fight slimes, retrieve iron key from alcove in room behind wooden door
(SECRET 7-6-64)
- return to where uggardian was, use key in lock to close pit
- step E to corner, this opens portcullis to the S, fight uggardian released there, and also fight three more that come from the hall to the E
- press button to launch ghost shot, step in behind it and toss item to W pressure plate
- quickly step N and W to avoid second ghost shot, it will hit the N receptor, closing pit heading E
(see far below for
COLLECTIONS, including
Perel notes, and
SECRETS (120):
1-1-1 first room -
sling, shuriken
push secret button on west side

1-2-2 herder room -
push secret button in cell

1-3-3 Iron Door -
alchemy sack w/mortar, flasks (2), tar beads (2), cave nettle, formulas
push two secret buttons in room

2-1-4 SW room -
push secret button on west side

2-2-5 S compass room -
leather gloves
put torch in empty holder

2-3-6 S cell -
poison arrows
push secret button nearby

2-4-7 no-weapons room -
bone amulet
push secret button nearby

2-5-8 NW holding cells -
energy potion
make skeleton stand on plate, pull lever, push secret button in other cell (can push secret button near lever to spawn a new skeleton)

2-6-9 N herder room -
iron bassinet, leather pants, skull
pull lever and push secret button nearby

2-7-10 Iron Door -
stare straight at daemon for 15 seconds

2-8-11 near end, center W -
box w/healing potion, nomad boots
push secret button near portcullis

3-1-12 entry room -
lightning blade
make all torch holders empty

3-2-13 across pit in SW room -
tome of health
push nearby secret button, wall opens, push another secret button S of pits, toss item to plate

3-3-14 room far NW -
serpent bracer
E of crystal, push button, quickly run across closed pits and push button to open wall

3-4-15 central pits Lv4 -
gold key
turn off teleport with secret button nearby, put items on three plates to open portcullis

3-5-16 central pits Lv4 -
nomad mittens
turn teleport back on, walk in

3-6-17 sacrifice pit -
scroll of invisibility
put any item on trap door, push button, repeat

3-7-18 SE room -
round shield
push button in spider room nearby

3-8-19 Iron Door -
chitin gloves, ice bomb
put torches in "outer" torch holders (none in center "pillar") in room just E of there, wall opens, pull lever

3-9-20 N spider room -
tar beads (2) and button to lv4 slimes
after nearing the spider hall, go back (some walls opened up, new areas), find secret button in N area

3-10-21 N spectral relay second shot -
wand 2, energy potion
item on plate, secret button near daemon to open walls, trigger other plate to start ghost shot sequence

3-11-22 gold key door at level end -
chitin mask
use golden key from secret 3-4-15

3-12-23 slime area Lv4 -
gear key
secret button in N area opens wall, stairs down to slime section, find green gem (secret button in slime room), put in daemon mouth

4-1-24 menagerie E -
flarefeather cap
push secret button in center cell

4-2-25 menagerie ornate door -
sack w/speed potion
use kill levers to synchronize destruction of three trapped skeletons

4-3-26 managerie ornate door room - hall to
lurker boots
push secret button in room, opens hall, grab lurker boots, fall down

4-4-27 time tide teleport -
battle axe
place item on plate, walk to teleporter

4-5-28 time tide pits alcove -
push secret button on wall near start of pits, wait for wall to rise, follow pits closing and grab knoffer

4-6-29 time tide ornate door -
leather boots, frost bomb
push secret button near end of main pits path (not the path with the knoffer)

4-7-30 catacomb -
leather cap, blooddrop blossom
push secret button somewhat nearby

4-8-31 catacomb, behind patrol in SW -
poison bombs (2)
push secret button on wall

4-9-32 catacomb -
sack w/random tome
push secret button nearby to open wall revealing lever, replace any items on plates if taken (so "bridge" is all open-pits again), lever will now work to open walls leading to sack

4-10-33 catacomb ornate door -
sack w/leather gloves
push secret button on wall where you got the sack

4-11-34 trails sec room -
bone amulet, leather brigandine
push secret button near the three pits/plates

4-12-35 trails end Lv5 -
push secret button in hallway, then hurry to walk on closed pits and push secret button on wall in open room, then hurry to jump down pit where teleporter was

4-13-36 Iron Door -
tome Wisdom
find gear key in alcove in room near slime area (see secret 3-12-23)

5-1-37 E of hall sec room -
fist dagger
push secret buttons nearby

5-2-38 E button/lever puzzle, herders -
brace fortitude
facing north, push button on right (to hear little tick tock), toggle lever many times (hearing little tick tock every time if it's working), leave lever in up position, then push button on left to open door

5-3-39 cross pits room SE, down pit Lv6 -
fire bomb, fire arrows (3)
push secret button nearby

5-4-40 cross pits room SE -
blooddrop blossom, scroll enchant shock arrow
push four secret buttons where crowerns and wyverns were, wall opens, push button to reveal the "unseen hand" controls, take turns manipulating trap doors in order to eventually step on every one, that will open more walls for the secret

5-5-41 by crystal -
scaled cloak
push secret button in hall end through portcullis, on right

5-6-42 NW cell -
fire bomb, shock bomb, plate gauntlets
toggle the lever used to gain entry into deserted tunnels, run back to the cell fast enough

5-7-43 Iron Door in west hall -
spirit mirror pendant
camp out in hallway on map where dragon facings line up (it's one square E of a shuriken on the floor), wait for 31 seconds (or rest to make time go 5X)

5-8-44 chamber pits, NW corner -
conjurer's hat
push secret button on N side of chamber of pits to stop the crazy trap doors

6-1-45 walkabout -
lurker pants
always step backwards, and walk around the area counter clock-wise three times, hearing clicks along the way to denote progress. Get a rock, then a skeleton to fight, then the lurker pants

6-2-46 NW Maze of teleporters -
chitin mail
push "noisy" secret button in NE corner of room, make way through teleporters to key in SW corner, push secret button near that alcove, then wind way around to NW corner of room for reward

6-3-47 haunted hall entry -
ring boots, cutlass
push secret button nearby

6-4-48 haunted hall -
fire bombs (2)
push secret button on N side of a pillar, N of the portcullis trap chamber

6-5-49 orb vault entrance -
frostbite necklace
put torch in empty holder nearby

6-6-50 orb vault proper -
orb of radiance
step on first plate, place item on second plate, throw item to far plate (shoot arrow or throw with "attack" to go far enough, not mouse-toss), step onto second plate, place an item on second plate, walk to orb

6-7-51 S fire blade hallway stairs Lv5 - leads to
huntsman cloak, plate helmet
put item on plate, toggle lever back up to stop fireballs, push secret button by plate to open wall on right, push secret button two tiles further to open wall on left, push secret button inside nook on left to open back wall in first nook, revealing stairs

6-8-52 pit near fire blade hallway Lv7 -
hardstone bracelet
jump in pit

6-9-53 SW pits double pit Lv8, room past scavengers -
plate cuirass
reach area from level 7 by dropping an item through portcullis bars into pit near "Deep pits collect things", jump down and head E, put item on corner of plate (so you can also reach it from other side) to open door, fight, remove torch to stop crazy door, pick up item from N side

6-10-54 SW hall in mage's entrance -
path to fighter's challenge
push secret button nearby (in hall heading to uggardian pits room)

6-11-55 SW uggardian pits room -
ring greaves, sword of nex
push button in S cell, push button on S side of E block (opens E wall), step back (S) twice, return to push button in S cell again, push button on S side of E block again, turn left, push button on E side of W block (opens S wall), turn right, step N, turn right, push button on W side of E block (counts), turn right, step S, turn right, push button on E side of W block again, repeat with these two button a couple times until N and W walls open all the way, then step W and turn S to push button on N side of W block, then turn around and step N to grab the torch

6-12-56 Iron Door (4th round key) -
lurker vest
find all four round keys. Maze of Madness - SW corner; Haunted Halls - trap at least two skeletons, wall opens, run in, fight, get key; Sequencis - open wooden door, fight snail, toggle lever, enter other room and find key; Halls of Fire - can do part of secret 6-11-55, but then step around S side of W block, key in alcove

6-13-57 fighter's challenge Lv1, SW corner -
poison bomb, beetle
open path to stairs (see 6-10-54), have sword of Nex (see 6-11-55), fight, push button on S side of room

6-14-58 fighter's challenge Lv11, NE corner -
poison bombs (2), battle axe, plate boots
don't take reward from Lv1, teleporter sends you to alternate room, fight, push button on E side of room

7-1-59 SE room, by Toorum note -
ring mail
open all doors in this area except door directly E of stairs, this will open the wall in the far SE room

7-2-60 maze shadows N side -
sack w/speed formula, speed potion
push secret button nearby on W side of a block, a wall lowers making more shadow, then push secret button nearby on east side of a block, another wall lowers allowing access to the N side

7-3-61 maze shadows SW corner -
frost bomb, food box
after going far SW, push button on W side of block, return to "places worth visiting again" sign, push that button again, return other way to SW corner

7-4-62 tele from maze shadows SW (hall to deep pit) -
plate boots
push button near frost bombs, walk around corner into teleporter

7-5-63 pits N of maze shadows Lv8, near uggs, alcove -
sack w/herbs, flask
jump in pits that are more N

7-6-64 slime ambush room -
shaman staff
push secret button nearby

7-7-65 daemon's gaze burn room -
diviner cloak
don’t face daemon! Stand on W plate to raise portcullis, step to E plate to shoot fireball but step back to W plate to re-raise portcullis, time it so fireball can go under gate, then step away so fireball can hit daemon

7-8-66 NE pit Lv8 sec hall on N side -
fire bomb
push button on S wall nearby, avoid poison bolts if you can

7-9-67 NE pit Lv8 E end alcove -
chitin boots
wind your way E, avoiding poison bolts as much as possible

7-10-68 NW pit Lv8 elements statue -
shield of elements
hit statue with every element, either with spells, enchanted arrows/bolts, bombs, or whatever

7-11-69 5 lever puzzle -
fire torc
toggle levers in proper sequence to hear clicks - 2, 5, 1, 1, 4, 3

7-12-70 NW room -
bracelet of Tirin
push secret button E side of pit to open wall, make way back around to W side

7-13-71 Iron Door -
random tomes (2)
dance with the ghost shots, this time notice click sounds when you miss them - miss them all

7-14-72 W of dance room -
secret entry to lv8
push secret button in far W area

8-1-73 entry area N, spiders - leads to
herbs, flail
push secret button nearby

8-2-74 beginning of conduit 1 S side -
arrow, blooddrop blossom
push secret button nearby on N side of conduit

8-3-75 N of conduit 1 -
shock bombs (2)
push secret button nearby

8-4-76 east side of conduit 1, n side, central doors -
circlet of war, boots of valor
push three secret buttons to open three walls revealing three plates, place items on all three plates to open walls in middle

8-5-77 far east side of conduit 1, s side, ogre room -
plate gauntlets
push secret button in room on south side of conduit (with uggardians) to open a wall near the daemon, quickly toggle lever in conduit to open wall next to daemon

8-6-78 just S of last secret ogre room, second ogre room -
gear key for Iron door
push secret button in room

8-7-79 just S of last secret ogre room, third ogre room -
chitin greaves
push secret button in room

8-8-80 Iron Door in far NW area -
pit gauntlets
use key from secret 8-6-78

8-9-81 far SE corner -
lightning rod
after shooting gallery, push secret button in hall near teleporter

8-10-82 spider shock plates room, NE corner -
blooddrop blossom, shock bomb
kill spider (by ranged attacks or with secret fireball trap plate), wait for second spider, kill spider, push secret button in newly accessible room in NW corner

8-11-83 dismantler vault -
just making it inside the door
push button and step inside

8-12-84 SW corner of vault -
throwing axes (2), quarrels (3)
push secret button nearby

8-13-85 SE corner of vault -
dismantler sword
take replica, place replica in statue hand, wait for blocker walls to drop, remove replica and toss to altar and quickly run into secret room in SE corner to get real dismantler

9-1-86 armoury NW corner -
plate greaves
push secret button nearby in NE corner of room

9-2-87 armoury SW corner -
fire blade
push secret button nearby in SE corner of room, fight uggardian, get brass key dropped

9-3-88 armoury SW side -
chitin gloves
hunt the ice lizards until you find one that drops the iron key, then come back to this door

9-4-89 N flip maze halls, SW corner -
blooddrop blossom, ice lizard steak
flip the hallways in the right directions to find and push the secret button in the SE section, then return to the SW section for the newly opened room

9-5-90 lizards, far NE -
shock bomb, herbs
push secret button somewhat nearby

9-6-91 lizard area middle -
health potion
push secret button nearby

9-7-92 lizard area middle -
fire bomb
push secret button nearby

9-8-93 hall near pillared hall -
tar beads (2)
push secret button nearby

9-9-94 just east of central hub area (after sanctum), N part -
tar bead, mole jerky, next button
push secret button nearby, next to N lever

9-10-95 just east of central hub area, sw part, after many tricks -
get "key" scroll
push secret button inside room with secret 9-9-94 to open wall, step on plate to activate teleporter to the W and hear a portcullis and wall opening somewhere to the S, throw (with "attack") something through the teleporter (it will land on a plate to the S which opens more walls), walk S to that plate, remove lightning_blade from alcove to change daemon poison cloud attacks to ghost shots. Also, pull both levers in the area to open the door to the central hub, step on plate to open all the walls around the hub, find and push secret button in NE part of hub to open more walls which clears path from S daemon to receptor on wall in SW part of hub, return to that daemon and make it shoot one ghost shot into receptor which closes the S pit. Now you can go around and step on that pit trapdoor and push the secret button there, which opens a wall leading to your reward, the "key" scroll.

9-11-96 tele from sanctum after walking path of penitent -
get 3 relics (spirit mirror pendant, assassin's dagger, fire torc)
place "key" scroll (from secret 9-10-95) on sanctum altar, walk into teleporters in the correct pattern (III, II, I, III, I, II, III), retrieve the relics you had to sacrifice before. To go back to hub, remove "key" from altar.

9-12-97 central pit Lv10, rock toss puzzle -
zhandul's orb
need two torches and two rocks - place torches in all three holders (one torch is on floor S side), douse any held lights for best effect, stand on floor grating in center (this is where shadows cross the most), throw a rock N, throw a rock E

9-13-98 Iron Door -
crookhorn longbow
place bone amulet in alcove

9-14-99 far W side of ogre cross -
shock/frost/fire bombs (1ea), lurker gloves
lure an ogre to run into the receptor as a massive living breathing projectile

10-1-100 W side of inner sanctum -
tar bead, frost bombs (2), key, sulphurous potion (rage), dragon hint
cut gobelin in W room of inner sanctum, push hard to see secret button

10-2-101 E side of inner sanctum -
chitin mail
use brass key from W secret room alcove to open door in E room

10-3-102 Iron door -
helmet of valor
have a gem of any color, transmute it into a large blue gem, put in alcove, toggle lever

10-4-103 far E side -
cuirass of valor
jump down pit, fight crabs, climb stairs

10-5-104 just N of crystal -
blooddrop blossom, fire arrows (2)
push secret button nearby on N side of block

10-6-105 crystal room -
blooddrop blossom, fire quarrel, beetle
cut gobelin E of crystal, push hard to see secret button, have wall open from secret 10-5-104, step on plate in hall heading N to open door and launch lightning bolt, dodge bolt so it flies and hits receptor just SE of crystal

10-7-106 shrine NW corner -
throwing axe, blooddrop blossom
cut gobelin nearby, push secret button

10-8-107 shrine SE corner -
get dull key
bump (walk into) NE dragon tail three times, offer food to creature, fight, it drops key

10-9-108 shrine -
get real key, plate cuirass
try dull key if wanted (opens wall to message about dull key), put dull key in SE dragon mouth

10-10-109 shrine entrance hall -
sack w/rat shanks, tar bead, in alcove scaled cloak
push secret button in hallway toward caverns to open wall, toggle the plate to launch a fireball into newly revealed receptor to open wall in hallway toward shrine

10-11-110 center cavern, toorum room -
toorum remains, ancient axe, hardstone bracelet
push secret button nearby on W side of a block

10-12-111 wind tunnel Lv11 -
get tome of wisdom
push secret button above empty torch holder, try to get book, be blown back, push secret button above lit torch holder, retrieve book

10-13-112 frozen area Lv11 alt exit/entry -
nomad boots
push secret button nearby outside frozen area or button inside frozen area

10-14-113 frozen area Lv11 by alcove -
icefall hammer
approach icefall hammer alcove

13-1-114 SW area -
ice bombs (2), rat shank
push secret button nearby, W of teleporter

13-2-115 SW area -
plate greaves
push secret button inside room with secret 13-1-114

13-3-116 W area -
fire bombs (4), rat shank
push secret button in far NW corner

13-4-117 SE section -
gold key
push secret button somewhat nearby, next to box in N end of next hallway

11-1-118 tomb S side -
alchemy box w/flasks (2) tar beads (4), blooddrop blossoms (2), milkreed, slime bell, cave nettle
push secret button nearby

11-2-119 entrance to sealed portion -
gain entry
only available after defeating final boss, after big quake - step across broken statue

11-3-120 bottom of deep pit, Lord Perel's remains -
get healing gem
have satchel and all 10 Perel writings, place them all in satchel, place satchel in someone's hand

Globe of Tetharion
N herder area - push secret button nearby

Ancient Apparatus
hub pit, secondary pit, Lv6 - from crossbow cell (see secret 4-12-35), toggle lever, multiple walls open, find and push secret button in new W room to open pit, jump down pit

Crown of Kings
Halls of Fire uggardian area, SE pit, Lv7 - according to hint scroll, jump in the pit to the east (where the sun rises), defeat opponent, win crown

Golden Deity Figure
far SE corner - after herder fight, find and push secret button just S of herder teleport to open wall in far SE corner next to secret 8-9-81

Golden Dragon
entryway to inner sanctum, in hallway - push secret button in entry hall just N of wall text, remove scroll from alcove, (if desired, place an item on plate and step next to daemon to push secret button to open more walls, giving you room to be more safe), step off or remove item from plate to make daemon shoot lightning bolt to blast wall text, push secret button on newly revealed secondary wall to open wall for dragon statue

Goromorg Miniature
SW section - push series of secret buttons nearby in secrets 13-1-114 and 13-2-115, returning to the other room for the treasure

Golden Chalice
E end of giant hall - destroy barrels on pressure plate, step on plate to trigger high ghost shot into high receptor to open wall

note 1
near end of level, a little before stairs

note 2
next to iron door lever

N section with all the spiders

note 3
near end of level, next to crystal

note 4
N end of hall near end stairs

note 5
next to crystal

note 6
far NW hall by torch

note 7
next to crystal

note 8
near sealed section

note 9, letter
bottom of deep pit

skull 1
N secret room (see secret 2-6-9)

skull 2
near end of level, across pits from crystal

skull 3
in SE treasure room along with second round shield

skull 4
either from Lv8 shooting gallery pit or on way to Lv9 pillared hall

skull 5
behind Lv11 wind tunnel grating, behind boots