Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:37 am
Hi everyone. Previously, I wrote a redefinition for allEntities to avoid a certain bug that was identified with the standard definition. I have also written some non-standard iterators for situations that I see discussed frequently on here:
Edit: There are some flaws with the code in this post, but this documentation remains accurate. Please see replies in this thread for details of flaws and updated code.
allEntities( level ) - Just another equivalent redefinition of the same thing.
entitiesWithin( level , corner1x , corner1y , corner2x , corner2y ) - You specify the coordinates for a bounding box (inclusive) and it gives you the entitiesAt each tile within that box.
carriedItems( champion ) - champion may be either a number or a champion returned by party:getChampion(slot) . If it is a number, then the code just calls party:getChampion(champion) to convert it. It gives you all the items carried by that champion in any equipment or backpack slot, and all the items that are contained within items carried by that champion.
allCarriedItems() - It gives you all the items carried by any champion in any equipment or backpack slot, and all the items that are contained within items carried by any champion, and the mouse item, and all items that are contained within the mouse item.
If you'd like to use any of these iterators, I would recommend pasting this code into a script_entity ( hereafter referred to as "iteratorScript" ) and then in your other script_entity where you want to use the iterators, follow either of these approaches:
As always, if you find any bugs or want to request any additional features, don't hesitate to post it here 
Edit: allCarriedItems now includes items contained inside the mouse item.
Edit: There are some flaws with the code in this post, but this documentation remains accurate. Please see replies in this thread for details of flaws and updated code.
allEntities( level ) - Just another equivalent redefinition of the same thing.
entitiesWithin( level , corner1x , corner1y , corner2x , corner2y ) - You specify the coordinates for a bounding box (inclusive) and it gives you the entitiesAt each tile within that box.
carriedItems( champion ) - champion may be either a number or a champion returned by party:getChampion(slot) . If it is a number, then the code just calls party:getChampion(champion) to convert it. It gives you all the items carried by that champion in any equipment or backpack slot, and all the items that are contained within items carried by that champion.
allCarriedItems() - It gives you all the items carried by any champion in any equipment or backpack slot, and all the items that are contained within items carried by any champion, and the mouse item, and all items that are contained within the mouse item.
Code: Select all
allEntities = function( level )
return entitiesWithin( level , 0 , 0 , 31 , 31 )
entitiesWithin = function( level , corner1x , corner1y , corner2x , corner2y )
--The arguments should specify two corners of a rectangle,
--diagonally across from one another
if corner1x > corner2x then
corner1x , corner2x = corner2x , corner1x
if corner1y > corner2y then
corner1y , corner2y = corner2y , corner1y
local state = {}
state["offset"] = 0
local count = 0
for i = corner1x , corner2x do
for j = corner1y , corner2y do
for k in entitiesAt( level , i , j ) do
count = count + 1
state[count] = k
return advance , state , nil
carriedItems = function( champion )
--champion may be an actual champion, or a number
if type( champion ) == "number" then
champion = party:getChampion( champion )
if not champion then
return advance , { offset = 0 } , nil
local state = {}
state["offset"] = 0
local count = 0
for i = 1 , 31 do
local item = champion:getItem( i )
if item then
for containedItem in item:containedItems() do
count = count + 1
state[count] = containedItem
count = count + 1
state[count] = item
return advance , state , nil
allCarriedItems = function()
local state = {}
state["offset"] = 0
local count = 0
for i = 1 , 4 do
for item in carriedItems( i ) do
count = count + 1
state[count] = item
local mouseItem = getMouseItem()
if mouseItem then
for containedItem in mouseItem:containedItems() do
count = count + 1
state[count] = containedItem
count = count + 1
state[count] = mouseItem
return advance , state , nil
--[[Functions below this line are intended
for internal use only.
advance = function ( state , _ )
local offset = state["offset"] + 1
state["offset"] = offset
return state[offset]
Code: Select all
for item in iteratorScript.allCarriedItems() do
if == "torch" then
--do something with that item
Code: Select all
--At the top of your script_entity
allCarriedItems = iteratorScript.allCarriedItems
--other code here
for item in allCarriedItems() do
if == "torch" then
--do something with that item

Edit: allCarriedItems now includes items contained inside the mouse item.