Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:44 pm
NOTE: This project has been released! See The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release & Discussion].

We're finally here!
This is open to anybody, so don't be shy; just jump on in!
It looks like this is what we'll be doing this time around (if I miss anything (or you'd like a change), please let me know; a lot of ideas have been flying around):
The Details:

We're finally here!
This is open to anybody, so don't be shy; just jump on in!
It looks like this is what we'll be doing this time around (if I miss anything (or you'd like a change), please let me know; a lot of ideas have been flying around):
The Details:
- 9x9x3 (x,y,z) rooms. A big Woot! and thanks to Diarmuid, who is designing the layout and hub:
(For further info, see this post.).
Every four rooms, the player will need three keys to progress. This will allow for non-linear play (so nobody gets stuck), while still ensuring most rooms get played.
File transfers will be done through dropbox (no signup needed). If you are coming on board and would like to join dropbox, please PM an email link to me so that I can invite you to the ORRR2 group. This will also let you leave notes (via .txt files) to the group that you may not want in this thread (spoilers, for example).
We will be using the Temple Wallset, with Phitt's Cozy Dungeon assets (to start with).
Added by Diarmuid: By default, the entrance of each room is in the middle level. But if your design requires you to enter the room on the bottom or top level, we can accomodate that. Also, the boundaries of the rooms are really just that, boundaries to show the limits to use. Please don't feel constrained by that, rooms do not have to be square at all, be creative beyond the square. (9x9x3 is the limit, however -SF)
- You may add any new content you'd like. You may do anything you'd like. It's your room (please keep in mind that we need to keep the file size under 100Megs). Also, please post (in this thread) any custom assets you have added, so that we can keep track.
Keep it realistically playable.
Place a text outside your room with your name on it (such as "So-and-so's Room"). You may give your room a title, with your name underneath, if you'd like. You do NOT need to fill all three floors of your room! Any leftover areas will be used for secrets at the end. Alternatively, you may designate a floor of your room as a secret area (just let us know).
Once you are finished with your section, export it and run it from within the game to make sure everything is working as you intended (remember though, that you are sending the raw files back to me, not the exported map.). At the very least, any problems that may arise from not running a proper test slows down our progress and prevents another mapper from doing a proper test of his area.
When you are done with your room, you may upload it back to the dropbox (if you're not a member, email it to me at cinemaspinladygaga@yahoo.com (just remove the name of this person) or upload it to any file sharing site you'd like and PM the link to me. Once you've returned the files, post in this thread, so the next person can get ready. Remember to post any custom assets you have added, so that we can keep track. If your name is coming up and you're going to be busy/out of town, etc. please let us know so we can adjust the list.
- Project Lead: Diarmuid
John Wordsworth
Ryeath & Elizabeth Greystalk
The Cube