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Launchtime feelings at Almost Human HQ?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:39 pm
by Kalash
Congratulations once more to you, Antti, Juho, Olli and Petri, and other people who made this game possible.

What are your initial feelings now after couple of hours after launch? Relieved, stressed or in acute need of bottle of Vodka?
I bet we will hear more details about this evening later in the blog, but how things are right now - before the dust settles.

Hopefully you have had video camera(s) recording all the time at your office. It'd be priceless to see your expressions when at first the website crashes few minutes before launch, and then activation in Steam doesn't go as smoothly as expected. :mrgreen:

Like it's always asked from athletics after competition, 'how you're feeling now?', please provide quick comments from everyone of you.

Re: Launchtime feelings at Almost Human HQ?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:42 pm
by petri
Initial feelings... no time for feelings, busy as hell scanning forums and responding to queries :)

Re: Launchtime feelings at Almost Human HQ?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:44 pm
by DAKlives
I will tell the devs my launchtime feelings then....

and THANK YOU!!!

(wish there was a quick save key, but hey no biggie)

Re: Launchtime feelings at Almost Human HQ?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:02 pm
by Xcomet
petri wrote:Initial feelings... no time for feelings, busy as hell scanning forums and responding to queries :)
You guys are AWESOME! Such dedication, as I've said before "Other developers take note" Do it the Almost Human way! Thank you all so much guys!