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Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:06 pm
by earthyearth
Am currently not at home but at work lol but cant wait to get home and start playing. In the meantime am planning my party. Was reading about the races and classes here:
Legend of Grimrock Races and Classes
and am thinking of what party I am going to make
Post what your party is and why you did it that way
I think mine will be:
Minotaur Fighter
Lizard Fighter
Insectoid Mage
Human Rogue
I chose two fighters so that they can be the front two tiles
then a powerful wizard from the back
and then of course I need one rogue
I chose one of each race to make it interesting
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:10 pm
by bonnily
I have:
Minotaur Fighter
Lizard Rogue
Human Rogue (Bow)
Insectoid Mage
Works pretty well till now

Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:10 pm
by rodrell
Human Fighter Strength 20
Minotaur Fighter Strength 22
Insectoid Mage Will 20
Lizardfolk Rogue Dexterity 23
and I LIKE it!
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:15 pm
by Xyzzy
I just started about an hour ago and I went with:
Human Fighter - Max Vitality, skill focus on Armor and Athletics - The idea was to have someone who could take a lot of damage. I chose Human over Mino here for the added Dexterity for increased Evasion.
Mino Fighter - Max Strength and rest into Dex to remove the accuracy penalty - My brute force Axe wielding Mino to deal out the damage.
Human Rogue - Max Dex, focus on Ranged Weapons - Bow user to fight from the back lines.
Human Mage - Max Willpower, focus on Earth and Fire magic.
I don't know if any of this is going to be any good, but it will be fun

Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:17 pm
by DannyD
Hi all!
I've :
2 Minotaur Figher
1 Human Mage
1 Human Rogue
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:19 pm
by resonansER
1 minotaur warrior
1 lizardman warrior
1 human female rouge
1 insectoid mage
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:19 pm
by Minax
My party is made up of a minotaur, two humans and a lizardman.
One human and the minotaur are both fighters, the human is a more well-rounded fighter while the minotaur is very beefy and tries to hit things with an axe or mace (and collects skulls). The lizardman is a ranged rogue but he's mainly throwing rocks and stabbing things with his spear until he finds a bow; and the other human is an earth/air mage.
They didn't run into anything they couldn't handle so far, but they're only on the second floor.

Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:30 pm
by schiz0phren1c
My party are...
Shullbit the Minotaur Fighter-Who concentrates on Swords and will be speccing heavy Armour.
Bloody Nine the Human Fighter who is an Axe Wielding maniac who will probably go the evasion route.
Lizzy Borden the Lizardfolk Rouge who is a sneaky little bitch bowlizard.
Pug the Bug the Insectoid Mage who is a bit all over the place atm tbh and has points in Earth,Fire and Ice.
oh and the game rock my socks off,I found myself grinning with pure pleasure at playing a game for the first time in YEARS!
congratulations and big hugs all round to the Almost Godlike Almost Humans! Vinaka sara vakalevu!
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:35 pm
by earthyearth
so far I've seen here like 95% parties with 2 fighters and only one party with someone brave who did different and had two rogues instead
I guess that is expected
but would a party with two rogues (or two mages) have the potential of being more powerful you think?
Re: Post your party here!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:41 pm
by Kuningas
Tonight, a party of four entered Mount Grimrock just like so many before them.
They were (and are, thus far),
Gil, a human fighter of forgotten royal heritage. Lived on the edge too long, and slipped into the darkness of mount Grimrock.
Scaleface, the well known warrior of the lizardman peoples. Was imprisoned because of a nasty case of cultural differences.
Weaselmind, a crafty human woman, a rogue by trade. She prefers the term "independent contractor"
Dozer, a minotaur. Unlike most of his kind Dozer is skilled in magicks of the earth and is rather intelligent. Needless to say, he is shunned by most.
Chance brought them together, but the mountain will make them brothers and sisters -- by the blood of their enemies!