Our friendly YouTube reporters have not been lazy in the meantime:
Scott Agate has added new episodes and even dedicated an entire Video mocking us about a choice of bad wording that ....uh well...sounded a little like a sexual innuendo:
MrMarbod is doing a great job in giving detailed walkthroughs for each level, so if you are stuck you might consider checking his Prison Ward Playlist:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... oAORspPPrn
Update: Another Let's Play video series by Scott Agate
YouTube User Scott Agate (his avatar looks strangely familiar if you frequent this forum

Update: Let's Play video series by MrMarbod
More YouTube love incoming: YouTuber MrMarbod liked the mod so much he decided to create an entire Let's Play video series on this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKVPCZY ... rn&index=1
The next episodes should be available in the following days, so stay tuned!
Update: Video Review by Solitary Drake
YouTube User Solitary Drake has created a nice video review for our mod. If you are in doubt whether the mod might be worth your time, check it out:
Hello everybody,
we (a two person team) have been working on a LoG mod over the last couple of months which is nearly finished and we would like to announce hereby. But before I talk about the mod I wanted to shout out a big "Thank You!" to everyone here on the Grimrock Forums. The information found in this forum, especially in the modding section, was very valuable for us, as we are completely new to modding and coding in LUA as well. With your help we are now almost finished with our work and the mod will be released in the next few days. Here is our "marketing gibberish" and a Trailer on YouTube to spark your interest:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWmV8yLV ... e=youtu.be
Still waiting for Grimrock 2? Tired of slaying hundreds
of ogres with your trustworthy party? Already seen every
custom dungeon on the workshop?
Then why not try Prison Ward? This mod puts you in the
role of an aspriring young prison intern that is only
10 levels of challenge away from the party of his life.
Prison Ward, focusses on entirely different levels, each
containing an unique skill / puzzle based challenge
unlike the ones you encountered in the main game.
* Play as single character without complex
party management
* Solve a parapsychological mystery!
* Real skill / puzzle based gameplay content, no
dungeon grinding inside!
* The messiest storage room you have ever seen!
* Custom Graphics / Monsters / Sounds!
* Lasers!
* Have your first Grimrock drug experience!
* Meet bitin' Betsy!
* Cheesy humor!
* Custom introduction / ending!
* Defeat an evil army of darkness!
* and much more....
Linux and Mac support:
User bongobeat has pointed out before that the mod did not work on linux and mac machines due to wrong sound file formats. We have fixed this by resampling all sounds to the correct format. The new version is already uploaded into the Grimrock Nexus and to the Steam Workshop, so enjoy and please post a comment if you run into any problems.
The mod is released, you can find it here in the Steam Workshop:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =186898963
And here is the link for the Grimrock Nexus:
I will upload to Grimrock Nexus right now and I will update again with the link once it has been uploaded.
Please try it if you like the trailer or the screenshots and tell us what you think! We are very excited to get some feedback as we
tried our best to deliver a gameplay experience that is quite different from the core game. Please also do not hesistate to post
here if you are stuck with some of the puzzles / challenges, we will be glad to point you in the right direction.
Have fun!
Here are some screenshots if you are still not convinced: