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-= Dungeons Kingdom =- [Physics+Interactions Vid]
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:00 pm
by eoliene
Hello !
I want to introduce you my Dungeon Master / Ishar game style tribute ! I have been making this kind of game prototype since my childhood as an hobby, and i am now ready to create a public game. It's currently running on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and Occulus Rift Head Set. It's planned also on Linux & Windows Phone.
Two UI Layout were made, one for Touch devices and of course one for desktop computers.
Some pictures will talk more than thousand of words, soe here we go:
Occulus Rift VR headset early integration :
Magic will be more straightforward to cast, to avoid panic during fighting sequences, especially on touch devices.
Note that all portraits are hand painted. Also, there's an Outdoor environement.
I'll be glad to read any constructive advices or feelings from community.
Re: Introducing -= Dungeon Kings =-
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:50 pm
by thomson
Looks great, especially with Oculus Rift support. Gee, I wish LoG2 could support Oculus Rift, too. (I'm looking at you, AH!)

Re: -=Dungeons Kingdom=- dungeon crawler Pc,Mac,iOs,Android
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:58 pm
by eoliene
thomson wrote:Looks great, especially with Oculus Rift support. Gee, I wish LoG2 could support Oculus Rift, too. (I'm looking at you, AH!)

The biggets issue with Occulus Rift is the GUI. You can't expect any readable UI Icons on screen borders. You have to find another way for the game controls and UI handling.
Second issue, is the performance, you have to take big caren because it's stereo rendering, you have to render the camera view two times.
...But on the other side, the feeling is just so great. And because it's mainly indoors, it does not suffer too much from the low screen resolution of the first generation of the Occulus hardware.
Re: Introducing -= Dungeon Kings =-
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:18 pm
by Komag
This looks very promising, I want to play it when it's done! And great artwork on those paintings, very impressive!
Re: -=Dungeons Kingdom=- dungeon crawler Pc,Mac,iOs,Android
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:29 pm
by eoliene
Komag wrote:This looks very promising, I want to play it when it's done! And great artwork on those paintings, very impressive!
Thanks. Having nice portraits is VERY important for me. It's part of the immersion. (Acutally i had pay a friend of mine with my own money to make them...But i don't regret it !). I remember playing ishar game series and exploring Inns to check for new Heroes and their portraits. And it's a pleasant part of Dungeon Master too when starting a new game
Let's see two more of them (i don't want to spoil too much

Re: Introducing -= Dungeon Kings =-
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:51 pm
by Nyast
Graphics looks great ( wouldn't mind seeing HD screenshots though ). Portraits look great.
I'm less convinced about the GUI, even if it's just a placeholder. The arrows are really big. With great graphics like that, you should aim at minimilizing the area the interface takes. Want an immersive experience.
Do you have a website yet ?
Re: -=Dungeons Kingdom=- dungeon crawler Pc,Mac,iOs,Android
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:24 am
by eoliene
Nyast wrote:Graphics looks great ( wouldn't mind seeing HD screenshots though ). Portraits look great.
I'm less convinced about the GUI, even if it's just a placeholder. The arrows are really big. With great graphics like that, you should aim at minimilizing the area the interface takes. Want an immersive experience.
Do you have a website yet ?
The GUI you can see on the screen shot is only for Mobiles. It looks so big, but you must think it as working on iPhone 4/5 retina screens, wich have 960x640 resolution on a small screen. Believe me, the size is not randomly choosen, i have made lot of ergonomy tests, the size is perfect to fit the average fingers size and make it easy to move the heroes while holding the phone !!! About the panel itself, it's a also usefull to reduce the fillrate issue on low end phones. The engine features real times shadows even on phones, and to manage it, any pixels not drawn is welcome. Of course this GUI layout is ONLY for mobiles, for bigger screens and for desktop computers, the GUI is much less massive and more discrete, fully immersive ! Desktop screens has no arrows (except if you active them in game options).
About website, sorry, i don't have any, i am just starting to show it (mainly on my FB page), i first needed to make sure i can get all assets to be done, and that i can to run game on most devices and platforms.
Thanks for your interest.
kanda / Hydro-games
Re: -= Dungeons Kingdom =- dungeon crawler Pc,Mac,iOs,Androi
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:48 am
by eoliene
Hello Happy people of Grimrock community !
Dungeon Kings website is now Online :
Here you can get more informations about the game.
Re: Introducing -= Dungeon Kings =-
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:46 am
by Dandy
I'm interested, but one question. Will it be turn based combat or twitch based like LOG?
Re: -=Dungeons Kingdom=- dungeon crawler Pc,Mac,iOs,Android
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:51 am
by eoliene
Dandy wrote:I'm interested, but one question. Will it be turn based combat or twitch based like LOG?
It will be real time combat like the good old Dungeon Master, as well as LoG (wich i enjoy so much too !).