
Air Magic:
4 - A - Spell Shock - Minor damage in front.
9 - LPDA - Enchanted Shock Arrow - Enchants arrows to do shock damage
14 - AS - Lightning Bolt - Major damage, frontal bolt.
19 - ABD - Invisibility - ?
22 - AB - Shock Shield - Shock resist +35
Earth Magic:
3 - E - Poison Cloud - Minor dot in front.
7 - EA - Poison Bolt - Medium damage, frontal bolt.
11 - LPDE - Enchanted Poison Arrow - Enchants arrows to do poison damage
13 - EB - Poison Shield - Poison resist +35
Fire Magic:
2 - F - Fire Burst - Minor damage in front.
7 - LPDF - Enchanted Fire Arrow - Enchants arrows to do fire damage
13 - FPA - Fire Ball - Major damage, frontal bolt.
16 - FB - Fire Shield - Fire resist +35
Ice Magic:
3 - WE - Ice Shards - Medium damage, frontal ray.
7 - LPDW - Enchanted Ice Arrow - Enchants arrows to do ice damage
13 - WA - Frostbolt - Major damage + chance to freeze, frontal bolt.
19 - WB - Frost Shield - Cold resist +35
5 - BL - Light - Illuminates the area around the caster, long duration.
5 - BD - Darkness - Snuffs out all light on the caster. No effect in darkness.