Achievement Suggestions

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Achievement Suggestions

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I didn't want to cram this into an N-Page long post, but wasn't entirely sure if it was worth it's own thread. Still, Achievements haven't come up and I think they provide some food for thought. I wanted to make a suggestion for two achievements that would promote the modding community.

Explorer: Download and play 5 custom dungeons from the Steam Workshop.

Master Explorer: Complete 3 custom dungeons from the Steam Workshop.
Last edited by JohnWordsworth on Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Achievement Suggestions

Post by Asteroth »

I would suggest one for making a dungeon. But of course then people would make empty dungeons just to filfill their achievement list.

Ooh but a nice achievement idea unrelated to modding:

Invisible Blade: Kill 5 enemies before they see you.

(Yeah the name may not be that great)
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Re: Achievement Suggestions

Post by uggardian »

Archmage: Have one mage master all the elements (and it would be doable, since the skill trees are much shorter now, according to AH's blogpost)

EDIT: I hope there aren't too many useless achievements like "Finish the tutorial", "Kill your first enemy" or "Gain a level up". Many games do that, and I don't like it, because you didn't actually achieve anything and those useless achievents just tend to break the atmosphere.

But optional objectives (in LOG1 there was a whole optional level) should definitely be rewarded. And I propably already said this last year, but I'll say it once more: since AH doesn't have to rush with this one because the first game was a big success, I hope they make lots of optional parts to the island for the most adventurous to explore. I LOVED the optional level in LOG1. I actually missed it on my first run, so it added a lot of replayability. (Hopefully that wasn't too offtopic :roll: )

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Re: Achievement Suggestions

Post by Isaac »

Asteroth wrote:I would suggest one for making a dungeon. But of course then people would make empty dungeons just to filfill their achievement list.
Have it awarded via Steam member votes; such that a bogus entry would not be well received ~and so no achievement.

** I would want all achievements to be for achieving something ~not simply for erratic behavior.
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Re: Achievement Suggestions

Post by thomson »

Here are couple proposals:
- Unbreakable: Finish whole game without dying
- Get in touch: finish whole game without throwing any weapons (some throwing may be needed for putting weight on remote plates, but it can't be weapon; throw something else)
- Secular extreme: do not cast any spells through the whole game
- Survivor(or that was close): get your health down to 1HP, kill the monster that dealt the damage)
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