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What is stamina in Grimrock characters
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:13 pm
by userwords
Vitality is supposed to higher stamina. Is it the speed to recover hp and energy bars, maybe the speed that food bar lowers, or what. Any number i could look at.
4 points for a back row mage, wher in dexterity or in vitality.
I would like to throw every in willpower but it seems the game forces balance and at least 4 points in a secondary option.
Re: What is stamina in Grimrock characters
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:04 am
by Dr.Disaster
What you are looking for is energy, respectively wisdom. Without energy a character can not cast spells or execute special attacks.
Vitality is the basis of character health. The more vitality the more health a characters gains upon creation and further level-up's plus the higher his basic poison and frost resistances are.
The max amount of directly assignable stat points per stat on character creation is 6. If you want more you can add in a trait that offers the desired stat.
Here's an energy focused back row mage
- assign 6 of the 10 initial stat points to wisdom
- select the "Strong Mind" trait for another 2 points of wisdom
- select the "Aura" trait for 15 addition points of energy
- assign the remaining 4 stat points as you see fit, for example 2 to vit and 2 to dex
Re: What is stamina in Grimrock characters
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:39 am
by userwords
That was what i actually did.
Front Row 2 Rogues
All points to Dexterity
The other 4 to Vitality
All skill to Dodge
remaining points will go to any of the other skills that give Dexterity +1 with the first 4 points
Then 2 Magicians in back row
All points to Willpower
The other 4 to Vitality
1 of them 2 points for Fire Magic and 1 point for Spellcraft, want light spell
WILL LEVEL Fire Magic up to 32 the circle of protection and spellcraft upto 18 the improved caster 50%
The other one 3 points to Air Magic
WILL LEVEL Air Magic up to 27 grater lighting bolt and spellcraft upto 26 willpower +1
then both
Strong Mind
The idea is that the two rogues keep enemies occupied without receiving too much damage because of so much evasion
While i can put all my attack on both magicians
Ive already played same but with one mino for a rogue
and indeed he was the weaker side of the companion, yep he does damage but also get lot of them, while my dodge rogue was evading
Also both rogues in front row will hold 2 shields each acting more like riot police XD
Re: What is stamina in Grimrock characters
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 8:56 pm
by Neutronium Dragon
A back row mage* generally isn't going to get much mileage out of dexterity since accuracy won't be relevant and they won't be subjected to very many evadable attacks. Vitality will give them more health, which they're going to need no matter what.
I wouldn't go with a 50-Dodge rogue build though. Sure, they're good at evading, but not everything can be evaded, and in the meantime they won't be hitting anything particularly well. 50 Unarmed would be a better option since it would make them proficient at killing things and Unarmed would also help their evasion stat.
* There are front-row mage builds too, so it's a distinction worth making!