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portraits are too small! option to scale them up?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:01 pm
by lukesw
Grimrock 2 is looking stunning, and I have preordered, but there is one thing that I really, really wish...

And that is for the character portraits of your party members to be larger!

I am all for UIs that don't take up too much real estate, but for me, larger portraits that havr more visual presence really add to the feel of controlling a party of individuals.

Any chance of there being an option to select larger onscreen portraits, or perhaps a slider to manually scale up or down the party UI? *fingers crossed*

Re: portraits are too small! option to scale them up?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:20 pm
by juho
No character icon scaling options, sorry. But in your character's inventory the portrait is double the size as in attack panel.