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level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:05 am
by Daedalus
Not sure whether I should post this in the technical support forum, cause it might be a game breaking bug... or I might just be failing really hard.
I'm in the very first room in time and tides, where you're supposed to throw a knife into the portal at the right time so it lands on the switch to close the pits, but the portal just drops anything I throw on the floor to my left. I figured that thrown items were supposed to keep their momentum upon passing through a portal but they're not. Anyone else had this problem?
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides, maybe bug
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:23 am
by Arinohyoshi
Are you making the throw by drag-and-dropping the throwing knife on the top part of the screen? If you are, thats the reason it fails. Put the throwing knife on your hand, and right-click it to "attack throw", it keeps its velocity.
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides, maybe bug
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:41 am
by Daedalus
Yeah, that'd be it. Thanks! I'm glad it's just me being stupid
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:32 pm
by seith
Nope, you're not stupid. By clicking with the throwing knife on the upper part of the screen you're throwing it (ie: it flies through the air). But the code indeed makes a difference from throwing it with the attack slot. In my opinion this case is just not being handled properly by programming.
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:42 am
by gold32
Seems this doesn't work with shurikans. Maybe I'll try again. I used all my throwing daggers by chucking them not using the attack slot. Oh my I hope this doesn't mean I can't complete it...
I also tried old clothes, rocks, knives, swords, burnt out torches, and leigonairs shields (but they don't make the distance haha)
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:46 am
by Draken
it works with shurikens, throwing knives, rocks and
in theory any item would do, even those peasant pants you found in level 1, but... as stated before, you have to attack-throw the item, so in reality, any throwing weapon does the job.
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:01 am
by gold32
Shurikens do work.
Maybe I just thought I had tried them (with attack throwing) considering how much stuff I was throwing the other way.
I even tried casting magic through haha.
Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:12 am
by carpii
Draken wrote:
in theory any item would do, even those peasant pants you found in level 1, but... as stated before, you have to attack-throw the item, so in reality, any throwing weapon does the job.
Im on level 5 and my mage is still wearing peasant pants

Re: level 4 - stuck on time and tides [solved]
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:18 am
by seebs
I am pretty sure I got it to work with a non-attack-throw. Thing is, non-attack-throw, I don't quite know how to tell which character is doing the throwing. I used to remember this in DM, I am sort of assuming it's the same.