Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:00 am
Hey, making a thread to help out what you have missed on the level. This thread will not show you where it is just a reference for items. Please contribute to make this a full list 
*P.S. The secrets listed are those you can get while you are at the level regardless of pit falls or teleports. Its obtainable when you are playing that level.*
Level 1: (3 Secrets)
Level 2: (6 Secrets - 1 Treasure)
Level 3: (9 Secrets - 1 Treasure - 2 Toorum's)
Level 4:(7 Secrets - 1 Toorum's)
Level 5:(7 Secrets - 2 Toorum's)
Level 6: (12 Secrets - 2 Treasure - 2 Toorum's)
Level 7:(9 Secrets - 1 Toorum's)
Level 8:(6 Secrets - 1 Treasure - 1 Toorum's)
Level 9:(4 Secrets - 1 Toorum's)
Level 10:(6 Secrets - 6 Toorum's)
Level 11:(1 Treasure)
Level 12:
Level 13:(2 Secrets - 1 Treasure)
Total Secrets 70/71 (Thanks Tarnim for pointing out I've missed firebombs on level 6) *Unofficial 71/71 (Lost Save File *RAGE
Toorum's 16/16
Skulls 5/5
Treasure 7/7

*P.S. The secrets listed are those you can get while you are at the level regardless of pit falls or teleports. Its obtainable when you are playing that level.*
Level 1: (3 Secrets)
Lurker Boots, Scroll of Fireburst, Scroll of Poison Cloud, Dagger, Wand, Cudgel, Shuriken
Fire Bombs, Pointy Shoes, Nomad Boots, Iron Basinet, Machete, Skull, Leather Cap, Doublet, Leather boots, Dagger, Poison Arrow, Compass, Bone Amulet(Important for Level 9), Scroll of Ice Shard, Hand Axe, Scroll of Poison Bolt, Phalanx Helm, Leather Brigandine, Health Potion, Scroll of Poison Shield, Leather Pants, Sling, Golden Chalice(T)
Frost Bomb, Tome of Health, Ring Boots, Knoffer Mace, Serpent Bracers, Scroll of Invisibility, Skull, Shortbow, Flask, Poison Bomb, Longsword, Huntsman Cloak, Leather Gloves, Round Shield, Arrows, Nomad Mittems, Leather Greaves, Crossbow, Poison Arrows, Golden Deity Figurine(T)
Flask, Chitin Helm, Tome of Infinite Wisdom, Chitin Greaves, Venom Edge, Flarefeather Cap, Throwing Knives, Bone Amulet, Battle Axe, Scroll of Frostbolt, Frost Bombs, Crossbow Bolts, Ring Gauntlets, Leather Boots
Lurker Vest, Conjurer's Hat, Brace of Fortitude, Fist Dagger, Crossbow Bolts, Scroll of Fireshield, Scroll of Light, Scaled Cloak, Ring Greaves, Warhammer, Flame Arrows, Firebombs, Ring Gauntlets, Huntsman Cloak, Shortbow, Lightning Bombs
Spirit Mirror Pendant, Lurker Pants, FireBlade, Chitin Mail, Orb of Radiance, Sword of Nex, (Tome of Fire or Crossbow or Alchemy Reagents), Full plate(seen at Level 5 but access at Level 6), Plate Gauntlets, Crown of Kings(T), Ancient Apparatus(T), Frostbite Necklace, Ring Boots, Heavy Shield, Speed Potion, Cutlass, Full Helmet, Scroll of Fireball, Shield of Valor, Firebombs
Heavy Shield, Brace of Fortitude, Diviner's Cloak, Fire Torc, Bracelet of Tirin, Assassin's Dagger, Chitin Boots, Flail, Shaman Staff, Hardstone Bracer, Throwing Axe, Skull, Ring Greaves, Throwing Knives, Battle Axe, Scroll of Darkness, Frost Bombs, Boots of Valor, Flask, Scroll of Enchant Fire Arrow, Scroll of Invisibility
Blueberry Pie, , Scroll of Shock Shield, Lightning Bombs, Lightning Rod, Throwing Axe, Frost Arrows and Bolts, Skull, Helm of Valor, The Dismantler, Plate Gauntlets, Plate Boots, Leather Cap, Shuriken, Crossbow bolts, Golden Dragon(T)
Zhandual's Orb, Norja, Cuirass of Valor, Lurker Hood, Circlet of War, Book of Infinite Wisdom, Longsword, Iron Basinet, Ringmail, Pit Fighter Gauntlets, Lightning Bombs, Fire Bombs, Scroll of Lightning Bolt, Arrows, (Flarefeather cap+Serpent's Bracer or Plate greaves+Frost Bomb or Book of infinite Wisdom)
Crossbow Bolts, Greaves of Valour, Crookhorn Longbow, Gauntlets of Valour, Longsword, Shield of Elements, Icefall Hammer, Skull, Frost Bombs, Shurikens, Full Helm, Throwing Axe, Poison Bombs, Scaled Cloak, Toorum's Remains, Flame Bolts, Throwing Knives, Ancient Axe, Phalanx Helm, Heartstone Bracer
Goromorg Miniature(T) (Access via Level 12)
Lightning Rod, Lightning Bombs, Health Potion
2 Flask, Ring Gauntlets, Globe of Tetharion(T), Firebombs, (Lightning Bombx2+Fire Bombx2+Fireblade or Plate Armor(Full Set) or Alchemical Reagents+Torches)

Toorum's 16/16
Skulls 5/5
Treasure 7/7