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How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:19 pm
by Anselm
So I was an absolutely huge fan of the original Grimrock, I loved the overall feel and strategy of the game. I only just found out today that a sequel had been released, and I'm considering purchasing it. What do you all think of the game so far? Is it worth a buy?
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:24 pm
by Sarumorpheus
Definitely worth a buy if you have enjoyed the first. There are many improvements to Legend of Grimrock, the two most notable ones being combat (enemies have many A.I. differences among them. Fights can be much trickier!) and the environment (so many different scenarios: caves, beach, dungeon, forest, temple, ruins, underwater, etc.).
If you'd like to take a look at character creation, which has also been revamped, feel free to take a look at this video
here. ^^
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:35 pm
by Dematto
You need this game.
I could go on about the new classes, new weapons, new monsters, puzzles, improved AI, spells, all of that.
I could mention that the title screen features, in bold words, "CUSTOM DUNGEON" and "DUNGEON EDITOR" and how user-generated content promises phenomenal replayability and value for your investment.
I could talk about how this game gives you the chance to prove that your naughty bits (be ye' male or female) are actually made of platinum and rainbows by running a No-Automap, Save only at crystals, Only use crystals once per game, Solo challenge class run.
There's all of that, and it's amazing and stuff.
But ask yourself this: Are you gonna let some silly neckbeard waste your time?
Or are you gonna sack up and play the game of the year?
...I mean Grimrock 2.
You need to buy this game. Right now.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:37 pm
by Ixnatifual
I posted the following review on Steam.
Bigger isn't always better. But in Legend of Grimrock 2, it's better most of the time.
They've kept what made Legend of Grimrock great, rectified some of its failings and generally expanded much on variety and content. The latter brings a failing new to Grimrock. Some of the puzzles and their clues span the game world and can require quite a bit of backtracking if you missed some clue along the way, or didn't bother writing it down.
But these incidents are few and far between compared to all the goodness this game has to offer. New dangerous-looking enemies make it harder to dance around the less-than-up-to-it AI of the first game. I won't spoil it for you, but some enemies were just genious. The new environments, including outdoor ones, are varied and beautiful. New puzzle elements bring spice to the old formula, allowing you to feel different kinds of clever upon solving them. (Or different kinds of stupid!)
Class and skill systems have been revised, with additional classes and a new race - the ratlings.
In short, if you liked the first one, you're gonna love this one.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:38 pm
by Isaac
My first impression was "WOW! that intro theme would do even Basil Poledouris proud, had he made it"; and IMO it sounds like something he'd have done.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:03 pm
by Ki-Rin
Just finished it. Love this game. will definately replay.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:12 pm
by hansmuff
I love it. The developers have not rested on their laurels and created a true successor to Grimrock 1.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:36 pm
by Anselm
This game looks amazing so far, I'm probably going to buy it this weekend. I'm glad to hear they fixed a lot of the issues from the first game.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:39 pm
by armass81
I would definately recommend it. There are more character classes and options, the skills are made better, enemy variety is great and their AI is improved. Theres various outdoor environments as well as a underground dungeons, with beaches, rivers, bogs and forests, even an egyptian style pyramid. Lots of places to explore, weapons and items to find, the size of the game is at least doubled of that of the first one.
Re: How do people like the game so far?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:51 pm
by Halluinoid
I do like it, the graphics are very impressive, just take a look at the waves coming onto the beach from sea, the clouds in the sky and when it starts getting dark BEAUTIFUL
lovely graphics
and when the game starts there is a gorgeously easy learning curve
the start to the game really is perfect for beginners and veterans alike
for me the journey from the beach to the canals around the castle is heaven!! SO GOOD and the watery canals with the ladders are SO MUCH FUN!!

yeah what a polished game
loving it!!