Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:18 am
Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
When I returned to Forgotten River, this invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy suddenly appeared. How do I kill this thing?
- The Doppelgamer
- Posts: 117
- Joined: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:20 am
Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
Use either the spell Dispel which requires 1 water magic and 1 concentration (the scroll can be found in the meditation spire in the archives), the dagger found in the cemetery, or the staff found in the vault under Sleet Island (which is great if you don't have a point into water magic). Also there are a lot of threads about this topic already (like,... A LOT lol)
Last edited by The Doppelgamer on Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
There is a spell called:
And a weapon called:
Etheral Blade
Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
Well it IS the most cheap enemy in the entire game. It IS the only enemy that is restricted by damage, and it IS illogically both in reality and even in the game world. I mean think about it, it's an Air Elemental, should it should be damagable by Earth, aka poison. But it can't. And why is it the only elemental that is immune to all dmg but a single item and a single spell? Being air, I can understand Physical weapons not being able to hit it. But in almost all worlds of magic, if there is a ghost or intanglable being, MAGIC hurts it and so go MAGICAL items, such as a flaming sword, lightning sword, poison pick, and so on. But again, those don't work.Mystina Valeth wrote:Also there are a lot of threads about this topic already (like,... A LOT lol)
For someone who has read up on them and played a lot, they know how to kill them and prepare for them. A noobie who has never played the game before, especially one that doesn't like the Rune system so doesn't take a mage and doesn't know to go to the *blank* first for that blade, they will have no idea how to kill it. Watch some lets plays, people's logical reaction is use magic since normal physical weapons won't work. Then they try each of the elements to find that it's immune to them all. So it's unkillable. So they will come on here and ask, why is there an unkillable enemy in the game? Especially since Dispel is a WATER magic, when it shouldn't be! It should be a Concentration/balance magic. It hurts ALL elements, not just the opposite of water, aka fire.
And I have to ask that too. NONE of the other elementals are that immune. The other Elements can be hurt by everything but their own elements, why is the Air elemental just suppior? Isn't it said everywhere that the elements cancle eachother out? Using Earth magic on it should INSTANTLY cancle/kill it! or if not because of balance, be very weak to it! The Elements are meant to cancle/balance eachother out. They should all be the same thing, just using different spells and different colors. If I remember right, Fire Elementals were in Grimrock 1 and they were the very same as the Ice Elementals, just covered in Fire and red. They weren't suiciding exploding flying bombs like here.
- itsmemario
- Posts: 62
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Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
Yeah LoG2 is kind of bias toward the non mage party. Air Elementals are the worst but the other ones are also a pain with out the right gear. with most of that gear Bombs are limited use and you might be out of them when you need them. Having access to elemental shields and damage is basically required for parts of the game. I say basically because you can get past them but only with either burning through a lot of healing pots or with foreknowledge and careful planing.
Also that bomb throwing trickster can be outright deadly with out the right elemental shield spells.
Also that bomb throwing trickster can be outright deadly with out the right elemental shield spells.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
- Posts: 7
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Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
Yes, I did play that game on the Amiga, but I never finished it. My first Amiga was the A1000 which I bought in 1987 and my last Amiga, which I had to sell, unfortunately, was an absolutely flawless A4000, no scratches, no yellowing, fully equipped with a CyberVision 64/3D card installed with the famous scan doubler module. Ahh... I miss you, babyitsmemario wrote:I do not know how old you are but have you ever played "Dungeon Master" on the god old Amiga?

- EvoluZion3
- Posts: 76
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Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
DES EW - ahh that brings back some memories.
FUL YA, YA BRO ERO - etc...

- Sir Tawmis
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Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
There's also a staff that mages can use (found where the Ratlings are) that casts this spell specifically.bleh_ wrote:There is a spell called:
And a weapon called:SpoilerShowDispel
SpoilerShowEtheral Blade
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Re: Invulnerable poison cloud monster thingy
It's easy to avoid for the most part if you don't have a means to kill it and you don't have to kill it.
Just don't get cornered by it or you'll pretty much have to reload.
Just don't get cornered by it or you'll pretty much have to reload.