help with island master fight

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help with island master fight

Post by zubenelgenubi »

hey everyone

ok here's the deal i need help with the last fight against the island master.
i can't seem to ever hit this dude,i keep hitting his clones and i see dmg numbers show up but the red bar doesn't move.
i'm standing there throwing bombs,slashing,using spells,shield,but it's always some clone i seem to hit :x

HOW do i know it's him anyway coz i do see dmg nrs pop up.
do i chase him or wait till he comes and say hello in my little room where i'm waiting for him :?

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Re: help with island master fight

Post by Jirodyne »

I can't speak for everyone else, but I went into my second playthrough knowing I was missing an ending and final boss, so for that entire playthrough I prepared. And to do that, I had my top left guy be a Lizard Knight - Endure Elements, Poison Immune - With skills in Agility for more HP, Heavy Armor, Heavy Weapons maxed to use Bane and Shield, and gave him high Acc and the Crystal Armor and shield.

But also, to prepare for the fight, I didn't brew a single potion for the entire game, having my Alchemist collect and multiply everything with Alchemy 4. Then when the end game came and I knew the fight would be soon, I brewed away my 100 HP potions and 130 Energy potions and 20 Ressurection potions and 10 +Vitality potions I used on my fighter to give him even MORE hp. Gave him all the HP and Energy potions, Gave him 1 Res potion and my Barbarian the rest so I can keep 1 other guy alive.

Then I just 'Face Tanked' him. Aka, I ran and stood in front of him and just wailed on him. He died before I wasted even half my potions. Helped with the Crystal set giving him a LOT more HP too, and the shield also having a healing charge effect. Not to mention all the crystals I kept and saved throughout the game too. The fight became stupidly easy.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by Drakkan »

It helped me to find "safe" place in some small corner, where you cannot be surounded by wizards as they "move" only straightwards in a cross - so find your spot. Also hunting wizard is not a good idea, you will be desitegrated by spells from all directions. You just need take your time.

Some potions of ressurection / healing crystals are definitely good idea as he has lots of hp.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by sapientCrow »

I mainly used bombs on him with a character that can that can double throw.
I also used meteor storm to blast at him with a large number of energy potions until I knew I was hitting him then I would go crazy with bombs.
I never got in melee with him.

As soon as trickster morphs into him you will see him. Lay into him heavy with meteor and bombs. Or special attacks and some other heavy ranged method.
Then stay in the next room over where you can see him/his clones and fire ranged until you hit the shielded one and track him.
Wait for shield to break and then go heavy on that one.

Like I said I never went into melee with that guy. That ki punch he has which knocks the hell out of the entire party and potentially onto spikes is too risky to go toe to toe. Especially with clones.
With patience and ranged and perhaps a run in to get some of the ranged ammo you lost you will win.

You can also go far away from him/his clones and go into rest mode fast for an easier heal then quaffing potions.

The main thing is that initial heavy attack on him when he morphs followed by patience and ranged and tracking his movements when you know which one he is. The shield seemed timed. It drops and then it will stay down for a period of time and then he recasts.
So timing is crucial.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by zubenelgenubi »

ok i'm starting to think i leveled my team up wrong,i don't have meteor storm and while i do have potions i don't think i have enough of them,AND i used up most of my bombs on the rooftop and my alchemy isn't high enough to make bombs.
i do hit hard with weapons and some spells but it's always the clones that come and say hello.
also does he change back into the trickster so i can see if it's him?
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by peter »

I thought I was well equipped. Had two healing crystals and a dozen healing potions. Also I found the crystal and the meteor armor which was cool as my 2 front line heroes had maxed out armour. The mage had maxed fire magic and the rat was an expert with firearms and bows and was equipped with the lightning bow.

Boy was I wrong. The trickster was the easy part as you can rush him down letting him no chance to even react but the dungeon master was a complete impossible task.

I tried nearly everything. Shooting him down with bombs, gun fire, lighting arrows and fire balls didn't work as his shield reloaded fast as hell. Also every time I managed to destroy his clones they respawned (sometimes faster than I could kill them). Close combat was also not an option. His melee attack damages your whole party, he seems to be immune to be frozen and he moves so fast that I barely kept up to him. Outrunning him was also impossible as the whole area is very tight and you don't have much place to walk.

What I didn't tried was armouring the whole party with a bunch of shield potions and hitting the crap out of him in close combat.

Nevertheless I still think that this boss is way to hard compared to the rest of the game. I think with half the power of his shield this would be better balanced.

Btw. I played on normal difficulty.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by zubenelgenubi »

I finally beat him but i needed LOTS of healing-rage-energy potions,used meteor storm from the back and heavy hitting weapons in front.
The clones cornered me a few times then spammed the ---- out of me,i needed to reload ALOT.
I moved around,then waited till the island master came over.
Funny thing is i had made lots of bombs just for this fight and hardly used any.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by Lyverbe »

sapientCrow wrote: Then stay in the next room over where you can see him/his clones and fire ranged until you hit the shielded one and track him.
Wait for shield to break and then go heavy on that one.
Ahhhh! That's the trick. I spent more than an hour on this fight and wasn't even coming close to killing them. I thought it was insane to have such a hard opponent and couldn't believe there were like 5 of them simultaneously. Once I saw your "solution", I followed it and it took a couple of minutes.

I hate bosses. I love the puzzles and enjoy small fights, but I hate bosses in any game.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by THOM »

I had the luck that the trickster fled into one of the small rooms he opened before. There I killed him and the Island Master appeared. But I held him in the room by casting force fields. He couldn't clone himself (not enough space?) and it was easy to step in, hit him, step back and cast the next force field.
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Re: help with island master fight

Post by MostlyHarmless »

i think this can be an almost impossible fight with some party builds - probably the case for lots of players (myself included) on first playthrough because I didn't build the best party and wasted most of my potions and crystal on the penultimate boss fight. but if you've played the game through previously (upto first ending at least), so you now know how to build a strong party, you know what's coming, where to find special items, etc. then this fight is not too difficult, which is why I think it would have been a bad decision from the AH to make this boss easier.
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