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4 Mages
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:45 am
by tkots
I have tried 4 farmer(all rats) party and managed them all level 24 (2 tanker:1 heavy 1 light weapons 1 throwing and 1 mage at back ) They didnt go as I expected at the end. low damage output for most and low mana for mage. compare to my former party (2 tanker 1 throw 1 mage but correct race all level 18) level 24 farmers nearly doing same dps . yes you can level up with farmers easy but at the end even level 18 team can beat them at dps/clear speed.
Now I am trying 4 lizard battle mages (with regen) . if you tried such a party please share your opinion starting all over will take too much time and there are lots of party combinations to try

I am relying on fast metabolism and concentaration but I am worried about food problem because at the end food become real problem for me there are little food at dungeons and they will need lots of rest = lots of food

I wish we can use all traits at all races lol imagine insectoids with fast metabolism + mutation lolz
PS: with farmers you can get correct stats for each of them just save the game before level up .
PS2: without an alchemist you can play but need to play very carefully.
PS3: instead of throwing I will try bow next time.throw minotaur isnt bad(high carry cap not bad dps) but still I want to try bow

because there is 1 very good bow at the game I just want to try that one .
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:14 am
by tkots
4 battle mages is not good . dont even think about it. makes the game 2X difficult at later stages of game.
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:21 am
by Abrusio
Care to elaborate ? I just began a new party with 4 lizardmen alchemists with the purpose of only doing magic. I may rely on bear form potions later on (and energy potions to make it last longer). It was already quite tough to get to the first magic wand using weapons without any revelant skills.
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:30 am
by Grimfan
I think the biggest problem (especially without a dedicated alchemist) would be energy maintenance. You could really burn through your energy quickly in some fights. Also, while battlemages are tougher than wizards they are still rather squishy in comparison to fighters, barbarians and knights. Of course 4 alchemists specialized in magic (as indicated by the previous poster) could overcome this hurdle, and if you can complete the game with 4 farmers you are skilled enough to try it. 4 alchemists would still be squishy however.
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:33 am
by Abrusio
Grimfan wrote:I think the biggest problem (especially without a dedicated alchemist) would be energy maintenance. You could really burn through your energy quickly in some fights. Also, while battlemages are tougher than wizards they are still rather squishy in comparison to fighters, barbarians and knights. Of course 4 alchemists specialized in magic (as indicated by the previous poster) could overcome this hurdle, and if you can complete the game with 4 farmers you are skilled enough to try it. 4 alchemists would still be squishy however.
I got to level 10-11 with 4 lizardmen alchemists with no magic at all (heavy weapons, throwing & ranged) and it worked quite well. I died a lot to ambushes, but as I chose the hard difficulty level, it has to happen !
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:04 pm
by gasgas
Level 18 with a normal party? I made it to 13-14 at most. Exp grinding?
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:36 pm
by Uro
I just started an insect mage party, 2 battlemages upfront and 2 wizards in the back. My prediction is that they'll be very strong (The +15 protection to start is pretty awesome) early on, then taper off, though creative use of invisibility and force block may help to alleviate some of that. (With my first party, invisibility and a backstabbing rogue made some fights against the bigger solo mobs almost too easy)
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:56 pm
by Dr.Disaster
gasgas wrote:Level 18 with a normal party? I made it to 13-14 at most. Exp grinding?
Aye a lvl 18 party sounds like a lot of grinding cuz anything above lvl 15 is.
Now a full farmer party with all of them being level 24 .. either Herder's Den food grinding or console use.
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:48 pm
by Abrusio
For those curious about a full mage party : I am currently level 9. I finished the bog, the archives and twigroot forest. All my mages have level 5 in their elemental skill and some points in concentration (and the points necessary in other elemental to cast the best spells of their specialty). I just killed the sewer boss by using a dozen bombs. I am using a lot of potions, but it seems to be ok as 4 alchemists are spawning the components fast enough to keep up with it for now.
Re: 4 Mages
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:03 pm
by Jirodyne
Abrusio wrote:For those curious about a full mage party : I am currently level 9. I finished the bog, the archives and twigroot forest. All my mages have level 5 in their elemental skill and some points in concentration (and the points necessary in other elemental to cast the best spells of their specialty). I just killed the sewer boss by using a dozen bombs. I am using a lot of potions, but it seems to be ok as 4 alchemists are spawning the components fast enough to keep up with it for now.
Well, now I know your screwing up if that is true because then your Water mage and Fire mage are completely useless and can only cast 1 offence spell each. Earth is also completely useless with the poison, and one wrong misclick, and your poisoning your own team instead.
At level 9, with 5 in their own elements maxed already, that leaves 4 points left.
For Fire 3 would need to be in Air for the best spell and 1 in Con, he/she/it would not have the energy to cast those spells very often and constantly be useless.
For Water, you would need 1 in earth, and 1 in air. leaving 2 for Con, a little better, but still not too good energy wise.
Air you are fine in, should have 5 air and 4 con. This guy is probably doing the most dmg the longest
Earth... Why are you using this element? It's weak, only has 3 spells, takes only 2 points in Earth to know every spell, and a lot of the enemies are immune to poison...
There is also the fact you have to constantly cast the signs for spells on each of the 4 people, remembering who can cast what, and all the while moving around to dodge the enemies. Also you said you did it with 4 Alchemist, at least 1 of the people must have at least 1 point in Alchemy to make potions, and since they weren't Wizards and Battlemages, their lack of Energy is even worse. Also you need staffs/orbs to be able to cast spells, and a lot of them aren't very useful.
You might be able to do it, but I bet it's brutal and not worth it.