We need a new healing method

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We need a new healing method

Post by MasterworkStone »

With the scacity of healing potions and the require of the alchemy skill for making more, I feel very forced to always have an alchemist on my team.
My latest party was going to be Knight - Evasive Knight - Ranged Rouge - Farmer, but then I'd have no way to heal, so I had to switch my farmer with an alchemist class .

We need a new way to heal party members.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by minmay »

You don't need to use the alchemist class to make healing potions. You only need one level in the alchemy skill. Also, you can just find healing potions on the ground - there are quite a few of them. Also, you can heal by resting or using a crystal.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by Sir Tawmis »

minmay wrote:You don't need to use the alchemist class to make healing potions. You only need one level in the alchemy skill.
^ This is exactly what I was coming in here to say. My party is a Knight, Barbarian, Rogue, and Battle Wizard. The Battle Wizard took 1 point in Alchemy and makes a ton of healing and energy potions.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by Dematto »

I feel like I'm in a similar position, where alchemist's duplication feature is so powerful that it almost overwhelms other classes.
But then, I also don't use potions as responsibly as I might. I've used a potion just to cure a wound. I've taken silly hits. Or seen a mob and should have cast an elemental shield.

So I've been trying to rest more, because my supply of blooddrops is so low.
And, ya know, I've only had one creature attack me while resting, thus far. If they aren't actively aggro'ing on me, it generally seems like I'm completely fine to sleep on the other side of a door, or within 10 steps of a monster.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by MasterworkStone »

minmay wrote:You don't need to use the alchemist class to make healing potions. You only need one level in the alchemy skill. Also, you can just find healing potions on the ground - there are quite a few of them. Also, you can heal by resting or using a crystal.
But that doesn't fit the characters I want to make

There's also the scarcity of the herbs needed to make potions.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by Sir Tawmis »

MasterworkStone wrote:
minmay wrote:You don't need to use the alchemist class to make healing potions. You only need one level in the alchemy skill. Also, you can just find healing potions on the ground - there are quite a few of them. Also, you can heal by resting or using a crystal.
But that doesn't fit the characters I want to make

There's also the scarcity of the herbs needed to make potions.
I dunno - maybe because I only make healing and energy potions (I use my mage for Shield spells and such) - so I have a metric ton of healing potions.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by Grimfan »

Don't worry by the time a few months have rolled by there will be multiple mods with healing spells available for play, and if you don't lay LOG2 mods you are missing out!
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by HotMaarl »

Meh, another suggestion aimed at softening this game. No thanks. Need to toughen players up. Alchemy is already too OP in this game.

some suggestions:

1. scout/explore on manageable sorties from the blue crystals. always know where these puppies are and plan to zerg back to them when things start going sideways. I know this is not always possible.

2. save more often. most bad situations can be sniffed out in advance. picking up key items, hitting buttons/plates with no apparent purpose...these are bad clichés of traps waiting to be sprung. if you get snared (happens to all of us), at least mitigate the frustration by having convenient, do-over save-points.

3. scout areas for paths of escape before springing traps. try to anticipate where they will try to lock you in, where the mobs will come from etc. not fail-proof but you'd be surprised at how effective this is as a strategy for almost any game.
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by badhabit »

Grimfan wrote:Don't worry by the time a few months have rolled by there will be multiple mods with healing spells available for play, and if you don't lay LOG2 mods you are missing out!
I'm not a fan of instant healing& cure by magic... magic feels so overpowered and injuries feels not that important anymore... don't like the unrealistic touch (infact, the same with the healing crystals...). I would balance it maybe by less injuries would happen (they happen now fairly often) and a small regeneration chance over time on resting (maybe with the influence of stress and burdenness)
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Re: We need a new healing method

Post by Dr.Disaster »

MasterworkStone wrote:
minmay wrote:You don't need to use the alchemist class to make healing potions. You only need one level in the alchemy skill. Also, you can just find healing potions on the ground - there are quite a few of them. Also, you can heal by resting or using a crystal.
But that doesn't fit the characters I want to make

There's also the scarcity of the herbs needed to make potions.
Scarcity is only an issue when playing on Hard difficulty and/or with Single-Use Crystals.
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