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[Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:51 pm
by Doridion
Hi all ^^
Glad to present you the Old Dungeon Style TileSet, based on the
Germanny's DM !
This tileset was done to permit you to begin an Old Dungeon Style mod. It's a very light version of the Germanny's DM and can not replace it. Thanks to all modders who helped to correctly find definitions, and to Germanny who made all this possible.
Pack containing :
Walls - Thin wood wall - Floors - Ceilings - Centered pillar - Clickable/Unlockable Doors
( Wood, Iron, Portcullis ) - Stairs - Alcove - Bed
( as Altar ) - Pit Trapdoor - Pits
( Floors/Ceiling ) - Buttons - Pressplate - Gem Socket
( and Gem item ).
You can download the ODS
Credits :
Original Tileset :
DM by
LoG2 Design : Germanny
LoG2 Models : Germanny
LoG2 Coding : Germanny
Edit : Removed myself to the credits.
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:33 pm
by Rougecorne
Thank you !

Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:00 pm
by Drakkan
crazy things are coming !

thanks man
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:21 am
by Doridion
Thanks to you, and glad if it helps you ( sure you could do it by yourself, but already occupied on better scripting ^^ )
I'll ask just two questions to the model modders, 'cause I have less ad less hairs on my head xD
In LoG1, nodes can be replaced in definitions by anchors in the case of buttons, alcoves, etc etc .... BUT ... there's no way anymore ( or I didn't seen it in the scripting reference ). So, Have you got an idea of the name(s) of node(s) I must add to the models to correctly add surfaces and click boxes ?
Actually, the Clickable and Surface components are centered on the root node ... exactly like the tiles basements ....
The second case is little bit harder .... no frames anymore for the doors xD I tested and compared original/custom doors components, and except the cboxes, original doors have the "frame" component ... yep, but when coding in my custom definition, editor crashes and says me "Bad component : frame" .... you understand why my hairs flees from my skull.
Thanks in advance

Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:51 am
by petri
Components can be positioned with the "offset" property. For example, in surface component add the following property:
offset = vec(0.5, 0, 0.1)
debugDraw = true makes the surface visible.
frame is just another model component that sets up the 3d model of the frame.
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:57 am
This looks fantastic! Need it need it need it need it :-P
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:34 pm
by Doridion
petri wrote:Components can be positioned with the "offset" property. For example, in surface component add the following property:
offset = vec(0.5, 0, 0.1)
debugDraw = true makes the surface visible.
frame is just another model component that sets up the 3d model of the frame.
Thanks for your answers petri ^^ But what i misunderstand, is that I tried these two techniques for the frame of the door, and have the same result for both ( error or crash ).
Code: Select all
name = "my_door",
components = {
class = "model",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\mydoormodel.fbx",
class = "frame",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\myframemodel.fbx",
class = "door",
killPillars = true,
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 132,
Code: Select all
name = "my_frame",
components = {
class = "model",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\myframemodel.fbx",
placement = "wall",
name = "my_door",
components = {
class = "model",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\mydoormodel.fbx",
class = "Door",
frame = "my_frame",
killPillars = true,
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 132,
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:43 pm
by antti
Doridion wrote:petri wrote:Components can be positioned with the "offset" property. For example, in surface component add the following property:
offset = vec(0.5, 0, 0.1)
debugDraw = true makes the surface visible.
frame is just another model component that sets up the 3d model of the frame.
Thanks for your answers petri ^^ But what i misunderstand, is that I tried these two techniques for the frame of the door, and have the same result for both ( error or crash ).
The frames are model components but they are given a different name. Here's an example based on your definition, which I also streamlined a bit by using a baseObject:
Code: Select all
name = "my_door",
baseObject = "base_door",
components = {
class = "model",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\mydoormodel.fbx",
class = "model",
name = "frame",
model = "xxx\xxx\xxx\myframemodel.fbx",
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:46 pm
by Eleven Warrior
Answer = release the Assets Pack to LOG 2
EDIT: Oh I see I just thought of it lol Ah are waiting for John to finish his GMT2 and then they will release assets pack. Just a guess, seen it before in other things.
Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:57 pm
by Doridion
antti wrote:The frames are model components but they are given a different name. Here's an example based on your definition, which I also streamlined a bit by using a baseObject:
Yes ! Alright, a good news ( didn't tilt that we can "rename" the components before. So there, i understand where was my biggest and stupid error ! Many thanks !
Eleven Warrior wrote:Answer = release the Assets Pack to LOG 2
Mouahahaha, ... hum ... Elven, are you spying my minds ? :p