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Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:44 pm
by Nwardezir
Quick question : is the itemization random ?
I mean, if with your party you found that item_00 on that shelf and armor_01 lying on the ground in that room ... if you start again with a fresh group, will you find the same item at the same place while crawling ?
Exception made for "quest items" as keys and stuff, of course.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:48 pm
by RPGAlien
Nwardezir wrote:Hello,
Quick question : is the itemization random ?
I mean, if with your party you found that item_00 on that shelf and armor_01 lying on the ground in that room ... if you start again with a fresh group, will you find the same item at the same place while crawling ?
Exception made for "quest items" as keys and stuff, of course.
In my experience, when I load a game I will find the same items again at the same places. Might just be because all the items gets placed when you enter a level. Either way, I'm just about to start a new playthrough with the steam version. So I can probably confirm this in about an hour or so.
One thing I've noticed is monster drops. They seem to be totally random (yet defined to a specific set of possible drops of cause), so you might not always get the same amount of food or whatnot from your slain enemies.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:49 pm
by gaulitz
Pretty sure it's not random, not 100%.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:51 pm
by Nwardezir
So that Cudgel, rags and couple of Daggers I found here and there among first level ... I'm gonna find them every time I restart game with a fresh group ?

Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:56 pm
by RPGAlien
Nwardezir wrote:So that Cudgel, rags and couple of Daggers I found here and there among first level ... I'm gonna find them every time I restart game with a fresh group ?

I can tell you in just a moment. But my guess is yes. Especially for those items, as they are like your starter kit. I'm more concerned with some of the later items with special bonuses.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:54 pm
by pasmith
I've only replayed the first level of the dungeon, but all the items were exactly the same.
It's my only gripe with the game, really. So now I know on my next playthrough that I need such and such a skill at the start because I know what weapons I'll have early on. I'd love at least an option to scramble non-essential items.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:18 pm
by RPGAlien
pasmith wrote:I've only replayed the first level of the dungeon, but all the items were exactly the same.
Same here. No difference what so ever. Only the monster drops differ. There were even the exact same amount of monsters too, all placed the same places as well.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:09 am
by quester99
Hahaha yea friends this is the style of the Dungeon Master gameplay. This is not Diablo and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Do you remember the original Dungeon Master? Have you played it? Randomization is not what the game is about. There are plenty of alternatives if someone wants randomization.
Diablo III will be out in around a month. On you can get Baldur's Gate for cheap. It has plenty of random loot drops.
To put randomization in Legend of Grimlock would kill the spirit and intent of the game design. It is about puzzles and questing, not loot.
@Nwardezir - With your avatar image I can't believe you want random loot. Are you really DM old school or is that image a fake? Seriously? Random loot for Dungeon Master gameplay? Wow.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:09 am
by sea
quester99 wrote:To put randomization in Legend of Grimlock would kill the spirit and intent of the game design. It is about puzzles and questing, not loot.
Nobody said they wanted randomly-generated loot with a million modifiers etc. Having different gear show up in different places and different enemies in different spots would add to replay value and would make each play-through a little different, potentially requiring different character builds depending on what items you find.
Re: Random Itemization ?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:26 am
by pasmith
Dungeon Master was a huge game. I lost weekends to that game, looking up bleary eyed on Monday morning and seeing a sea of pizza crusts and empty beer bottles.
Grimrock is like a 15 hour game, right? It'd be nice if you could replay it and not know that the first weapon you get is going to be a mace. Maybe in a replay you'd find a sword first, or something.
No one is asking for Superior Flames Boots of Mana Drain or anything. And no one is asking for random dungeon layouts or action-RPG gameplay.
Thanks for the condescending attitude, though. Really helps the community feel more 'modern.'