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Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:34 pm
by tschordi
me again...
I am a little bit further and can see the power gem. It resides in a zombie infested large pit without any ladders. It's like "The Walking Dead". Is there some tricky way to kill those undead? If I go down I get cornered instantly and torn to pieces. I tried going down next to a lever, this one does open a grate to a teleporter. But I cannot get there... too many zombies.
Do I miss something or is it about brute force?
Re: Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:50 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
Mainly brute force, but some potions and the forcefield-spell help much.
I do not know your levels, but maybe back up and do some other things and go back there when you leveld up some times

Re: Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:13 pm
by tschordi
oh, my, fight of my life. forcefield rocks. had to use one of those ressurect crystals tough.
Thanks mate.
Re: Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:22 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
One crystal is a low price.
Gratz that you have done it

And be prepared for at least one other *OH THE HELL* fight

Re: Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:39 am
by Spathi
The lame way is to stand on the wood bit and drop kill a few. i.e. drop on their heads when the move in front of the teleport, step back and teleport back up. Make sure one does not walk into the teleport or you may get stuck for a few seconds.
The less lame way (and probably qicker)... they will also walk into the teleport with a bit of encouragement... actually I think I did that to get all the kills. So drop down in front of the teleport, and teleport up when they get near, then step sideways off the wood 2 steps (staying up top) and wait, then lead them round the outside while hitting them. You need to do this on hard.
On normal I think I just used invisibility, picked a moment to jump in and saved a lot, using invisibility to run past when they started to bunch.
Re: Wormbound Catacombs
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:29 am
by MostlyHarmless
on medium difficulty i was able to jump in and kill them the old fashioned way.
on hard difficulty i would get cornered and torn apart in seconds so i had to use strategery. i first cast invisibility, then picked a good time to jump in, hit the switch for the teleport and escape. then i would wait for some zombies to teleport up, and kill them one at a time that way until there were only a few left in the pit, at which point I jumped in and finished them off.
you can of course kill them by jumping on top of them, but then you get no xp.