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Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:12 pm
by PSY
I know you guys can't stand hearing it anymore, but let me tell you that you did good. As a matter of fact, this game is outstanding. The ambience and gloomy atmosphere is just about the limit :!: I spent 90 minutes on the party creation alone :)

Now the bugs:
I'll keep this list updated and try to edit it accordingly when I find new bugs or when bugs have been fixed. I'll colour-code the bugs to make it easier for you to decide what's important and what's not.
Cosmetic bugs (translation, textures, typos...)
Minor bugs
Major bugs

[WILL BE FIXED IN 1.1.4]Character creation: Explanation of Dexterity
"Dexterity is the ability to move quickly and perform maneuveurs". Typo in 'maneuveurs'. Should be 'maneuvers'.
Level 1: Inscription: 'Loose rock'
Should rather be 'Loose stone'. Pretty sure, but could a native speaker please confirm this?
[WILL BE FIXED IN 1.1.4]Automap bug found by Tirppa: Map note glitch
Tirppa wrote: Found a minor bug in the Automap. Placing a map note on the exact same place between two pages causes a minor glitch
Level 3: Hitting monsters through blocked tunnels with spell: Ice Shards
I could actually hit stuff behind a passageway which was blocked by rocks and stones using Ice Shards (AE spell). First encountered in level 3. Heard monsters move behind the rocks.
Map screenshot to pinpoint location: ... level3.jpg
Screenshot where Ice Shards hit something for 18 points of damage: ... shards.jpg
Translation: Dream #7
'...Just only a little further anymore' <--- Improper English.
Typo: Toorum's note #8 (assuming I've found all notes so far. It can be found in level 7)
'There has to be some people who oversee the dungeons' <--- ...HAVE to be...


Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:39 pm
by Colthorn
I found a torch bug.

When your torch starts flickering, if you replace it just before it goes out, it burns out both the replacement torch and the torch that burnt out. Nothing major though.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:16 pm
by Phlimm
Not sure how this is viewed...a bug or an exploit or a strategy:
If you take a new torch off the wall and replace it with one you are using that is 99% burned out, it will stay lit for good in the wall sconce at full brightness. Thus you get a new torch and still get to have the hallway lit forever. Maybe implement a "touched" flag on a torch when first taken out of the sconce that starts the timer for it to burn out. That way even after they are put back in the sconce they can still burn out.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:19 pm
by Phlimm
PSY wrote:Level 1: Inscription: 'Loose rock'
Should rather be 'Loose stone'. Pretty sure, but could a native speaker please confirm this?
Either word can be both singular or plural depending on context. This is not really a grammatical error.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:24 pm
by hansmuff
Phlimm wrote:Not sure how this is viewed...a bug or an exploit or a strategy:
If you take a new torch off the wall and replace it with one you are using that is 99% burned out, it will stay lit for good in the wall sconce at full brightness. Thus you get a new torch and still get to have the hallway lit forever. Maybe implement a "touched" flag on a torch when first taken out of the sconce that starts the timer for it to burn out. That way even after they are put back in the sconce they can still burn out.
I thought about this a little bit as well.
I came to the conclusion that you can't really leave the dungeon unlit because torches burn out. I like the burning out when held for the extra atmospheric effect of different lighting when the torch gets low. It's also pretty much how Dungeon Master worked, IIRC. I am not deep enough in this game yet but back in DM, I was frustrated to have to use up a hand to hold a torch, so I kept using spells to give light. I suppose Grimrock will work the very same way.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:59 pm
by petri
Thanks, we'll fix the typo in dex tooltip.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:28 pm
by PSY
Phlimm wrote:Either word can be both singular or plural depending on context. This is not really a grammatical error.
What I meant is:
If the loose 'thing' is a broken part of a 'brick' of a wall, it's rather called 'stone' than 'rock'.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:33 pm
by blizzo
I am *loving* this game, but I did notice that in the menus when you load the game or pause the game, sometimes my mouse click doesn't register, and I have to hit the return key to select the option. Easy enough to work around, but I though it was worth mentioning.

Thank you so much for this modern escape into one of my favorite old school gaming paradigms.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:05 pm
by Oleem
I just found an exploit for unlimited ice arrows... anyway this seems like a decent place to post this bug since i can't find a more appropriate page. Anyway, I found it when running from some
skeletons on floor 5 in the pit below the Chamber of Pits. I ran to the stairs and went to go up but i saw an arrow fall behind me as i left the pit. I re-entered the room and stood on the stairs as an archer was just shooting away at me with his arrows collection in a pile on the ground at my feet. I would bet that you stand just above the path of the arrows because 1 in 30 would hit me.

Re: Bugs I've found so far

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:19 am
by hapro
Casting an offensive spell while moving backwards will trigger it in the tile you're standing in, causing damage
Seems as though your positions updates to the square behind you instantly, which means the spell is cast on the square you're currently on... but the character's hitbox doesn't change instantly, so you take the damage.