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The Nostalgic Past of LoG2
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:00 am
by Firia
I'm not sure whether the LoG2 devs mill around the forums much, but I'm curious! LoG2 is such a powerful blast of Nostalgia, that it has me wondering- What were their (your) sources of inspriation for Legend of Grimrock (2)? For the purposes of discussion, I'll extend this question to the forum.

What games did you used to play that LoG2 hit the nostalgia for?
I used to play some Lands of Lore 2- installed off of EIGHT floopy disks!

That is until something went sideways during re-installation, and I couldn't find one of the disks. That ruined any chance of returning to that game. And while I know it's not the same genre of game, but LoG2 reminded me so strongly of Myst and Riven! The isolated atmosphere, the exotic locations, and the complex puzzles! Really great stuff.

Re: The Nostalgic Past of LoG2
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:27 am
by Azel
This has actually been the subject of debate recently. According to the blog, the following games were the inspiration for Grimrock: Arx Fatalis, Ultima Underworld, Dungeon Master, and Eye of the Beholder.
Re: The Nostalgic Past of LoG2
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:13 pm
by Frenchie
Also have a look
here.... my topic about what was before LoG
floppy disks? That was quite new when I played on cassette tapes...
You might also want to have a look at its
Also have a look at this
java link. My Mac blocked the java link but I think it's a Yosemite policy.
Re: The Nostalgic Past of LoG2
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:16 pm
by Firia
The flash thing didn't work for me either, and the "remake" was some wall tiles arranged into a maze.

But I was curious, so I went looking for Lands of Lore 2. And I gotta say! All these years I thought I had Lands of Lore 2. It must have been LoL1 then. It wasn't at all like the first person adventure I saw after looking it up. I remember the style of game play that Grimrock uses, and LoL2 was like a Doom hybrid. Also FMVs on floppies? I find it hard to believe.

Re: The Nostalgic Past of LoG2
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:54 pm
by Rya.Reisender
The more interesting question would be: Did the staff play any games after making LoG that are similar to LoG (many were suggested even here on forums after all) and got inspired by those for LoG2?