[Tileset] Asian style dungeon
Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:40 pm
Since I'm quite busy in real life I'm not sure I will be able to finish the mod I had in mind. But since I've already done quite a lot of work I decided to release what I have now before it's too late (that was the initial plan yesterday already...).
The first thing I'll release is an asian themed dungeon tileset I made. It has all the basics (pressure plates, trapdoors, secret wall, secret button, wall text, gate, stairs, exterior models etc etc), so you should be able to build a full-blown dungeon with it. It could use some more additional objects and I plan to update it whenever I have created some new assets.
There is a dungeon editor file with a small dungeon included. The dungeon is only for testing purposes and to give examples on how to use the tileset. It has no real gameplay worth mentioning.
Anyway, here is the download:
And here are some screenshots:
I have several other things that aren't in a releasable state yet, like a house tileset, a pagoda tileset and bamboo trees. I intend to release these assets later on.
Enjoy, hope this thread doesn't get trolled to death.
The first thing I'll release is an asian themed dungeon tileset I made. It has all the basics (pressure plates, trapdoors, secret wall, secret button, wall text, gate, stairs, exterior models etc etc), so you should be able to build a full-blown dungeon with it. It could use some more additional objects and I plan to update it whenever I have created some new assets.
There is a dungeon editor file with a small dungeon included. The dungeon is only for testing purposes and to give examples on how to use the tileset. It has no real gameplay worth mentioning.
Anyway, here is the download:
And here are some screenshots:
I have several other things that aren't in a releasable state yet, like a house tileset, a pagoda tileset and bamboo trees. I intend to release these assets later on.
Enjoy, hope this thread doesn't get trolled to death.