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BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers needed)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:16 pm
by fazzasx
Hi Everyone,

Well firstly happy Easter!!

I have attempted to remake an oldie some of you I am sure will remember.. BloodWych

I was captivated by this game back in the 90's when it came out and spent many nights on my Amiga 500 playing it :) (sigh I miss those days..)

Anyway, I have attempted to recreate this amazing game in some form. But obviously there are elements that I don't think can be achieved..

To sum up this is my progress so far

Created Main Tower, Serpent Tower, Moon Tower, Dragon Tower and fully populated them with like for like items, and monsters. Although they are not obviously all the same as the original game, they are all in the same place. Chaos and Zendick Towers need to be completed.

I have also used customised the background music in each tower and also customised the (used Daniv's tower designs per tower)

What I would like is for someone to test this and let me know how they get on with it? Its an initial release so as far as I can see we might need to add.

More items? More Magic, Spells etc? More drama, action etc?

Please test, let me know your thoughts. I have spent a long time working on this, its a large game, its still not totally finished yet but I wanted your opinions on it. I will also give credit to all items I have used so far once I have it all completed!

Here is the link to it ... 0.dat?dl=0

If I get good feedback I will continue it and post the final release to nexus mods for everyone out there to play. I will also look to port it over to LOG2

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:43 pm
by Morse
I can't really test it when the old man gets 200 skill points and still has terrible stats, while the other 3 are basically dead before I can do anything with them. I assume this is for storyline purposes, but I'd rather just make my own party for testing, or at the very least, a decent starting party.

It's probably no big deal, but I think the human warrior enemy should make a different noise when they're hit, cause I kept thinking it was me taking damage.

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:22 pm
by fazzasx
Morse wrote:I can't really test it when the old man gets 200 skill points and still has terrible stats, while the other 3 are basically dead before I can do anything with them. I assume this is for storyline purposes, but I'd rather just make my own party for testing, or at the very least, a decent starting party.

It's probably no big deal, but I think the human warrior enemy should make a different noise when they're hit, cause I kept thinking it was me taking damage.

Thanks for this Morse, can you advise what stats you think they should start with?

This is something I would like to get done ASAP so please let me know and thanks for testing so far.

[MOD] BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt (Testers needed)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 4:09 am
by fazzasx
Hi There,

I have now successfully added stats, skills, and traits to the default party. Sorry about that. This is why I needed someone else to have a look at this with a fresh pair of eyes to show me what I need to sort out.

Anyways I have now sorted this. here is the updated link ... 1.dat?dl=0

At 0310 the file is currently uploading, should be ready to test in the next 40 mins though I expect most of you will be in bed ? :) :?

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:27 pm
by fazzasx
Hi All,

Here is the latest link, this is now shared on the folder level so I should not need to post any more links :) ... UUCya?dl=0

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:53 pm
by Morse
I'll mess with it a bit more, but I'll just quickly mention that the soldier enemy dropped a snail chunk on death.

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:04 am
by fazzasx
Morse wrote:I'll mess with it a bit more, but I'll just quickly mention that the soldier enemy dropped a snail chunk on death.

Thanks Morse I have updated the mod to v1.2 so that the Axe man does not drop snail slices. Let me know what else you encounter.

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:42 am
by fazzasx
Hi, I have updated now to v1.3

This adds new music, gems have correct names, and the Chaos and Zendik are almost completed. I am also going to work on putting in the extended levels as an added extra to choose at the end of the Zendik tower on L5.

Please check the updated folder section and let me know what you think of this MOD.

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:08 pm
by fazzasx

Re: BloodWych 16 Bit Remake Attempt v.1.0 Dev (Testers neede

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:36 pm
by spacecookie
Hi, are you still attempting this project?

I only ask because I was creating portraits for the old Bloodwych characters, based upon the originals, and was wondering if you would want to include them?